Observed on April 22 each year, Earth Day demonstrates support for environmental protection, evident in events celebrated in more than 192 countries in the world.
Being green and energy sufficient and producing less waste are solutions each person can adopt to protect the environment. In that spirit, homemade cleaning products are perfect, as they are easy to make and work just as well as general products found in stores. Here are five homemade products everyone can try:
Dish Soap
What you will need:
Measuring cup and spoon
24-oz. squirt bottle (or empty dishwashing-liquid bottle)
2/3 cup liquid castile soap
3 tsp. vegetable glycerin
5 drops tea-tree essential oil
20 drops lemon essential oil
1 1/3 cups water
Instructions: Using funnel, pour soap, glycerin, tea-tree oil, lemon oil and water into bottle. Shake well to emulsify. Place soap beside sink and use on dishes and hands. This fragrant formula also will clean your kitchen counter tops beautifully.
Shower Cleaner
What you will need:
Measuring cup and spoons
32-oz. spray bottle
Rubber gloves
2 tsp. borax
1/2 tsp. liquid castile soap
½ cup distilled white vinegar
3 cups of hot water
Instructions: Using funnel, pour borax, soap, vinegar and water into spray bottle. Shake well to mix. Put on rubber gloves and spray surfaces, scrubbing with sponge as you work. Rinse with water.
Glass Cleaner
What you will need:
Measuring cup and spoons
32-oz. spray bottle
3 cups water
2 tbsp. rubbing alcohol
1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
5 drops lavender essential oil (optional, for scent)
1/2 tbsp. liquid castile soap
Instructions: In a well-ventilated area, use funnel to pour water, alcohol, vinegar and oil, if desired, into bottle. Shake. Add soap. Shake well. Spray windows; wipe with newspaper.
Furniture Polish
What you will need:
Measuring cup and spoons
Lidded 8-oz. plastic squirt bottle
Microfiber cloth (or clean, soft rag)
2 tbsp. olive oil
1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
1/4 tsp. lemon oil (or fresh lemon juice)
Instructions: Using funnel, pour olive oil, vinegar and lemon oil into bottle. Shake well to emulsify. Squirt polish onto microfiber cloth and rub onto finished-wood furniture. Always go with the grain and evenly distribute polish. Remove any excess polish with a clean cloth.
Antibacterial Spray
What you will need:
Measuring cup and spoon
24-oz. spray bottle
Microfiber cloth
2 cups water
2 tbsp. liquid castile soap
1 tbsp. white thyme essential oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
Instructions: Using funnel, pour water, soap and oils into bottle. Shake. Spray and let sit for 20 minutes. Wipe down surfaces with damp cloth.
For more information and recipes, please visit allyou.com. All photos and recipes are from allyou.com.