Your home is more than a structure; it’s a sanctuary, an investment, and a reflection of your style. But, as the years pass, so does the exterior protection of your abode.

The siding on small, old houses, in particular, often faces the brunt of time and weather, and knowing when to replace it can save you from a slew of issues and maintain your home’s curb appeal.

This comprehensive analysis explores the telltale signs that your small old house may be due for a siding upgrade.

1. Erosion and Damage

One of the most obvious signs that it may be time to replace the siding on your old house is the presence of erosion or damage. This can manifest in many ways, including:

Crumbling Sections

If you’ve noticed parts of your siding crumble or break away, this indicates a severe material breakdown. This affects your home’s aesthetic and exposes the underlying structure to potential damage.

Holes or Blisters

Siding can develop holes that allow moisture, pests, and unwanted drafts to enter your home. Blisters, which are warps that can occur when siding is installed, also encourage moisture buildup and can lead to mold or mildew issues.

2. Increased Utility Bills

Older siding often lacks the insulation properties found in modern, energy-efficient materials. This can increase heating and cooling costs, especially if your energy usage hasn’t changed significantly.

If you’re using the air conditioner and still notice a musty smell or high humidity levels, the excess moisture might penetrate damaged siding sections. This can compromise your home’s indoor air quality and lead to mold or mildew growth.

3. Visible Deterioration of Paint and Wallpapers

Your home’s exterior is meant to protect it from the elements. If this is compromised, interior elements could suffer.

Peeling Paint

The exterior paint on your home’s siding can provide insights into its health. Peeling paint could indicate unmanaged moisture problems, usually stemming from damaged siding.

Damaged Wallpaper

Wallpaper pulling away from the walls or showing signs of staining, especially close to the exterior-facing walls, can indicate moisture problems. This should prompt a closer inspection of your siding.

4. Decreased Home Value and Curb Appeal

An outdated or dilapidated exterior can significantly affect your home’s value and visual charm.

First Impressions

Your home’s curb appeal significantly influences potential buyers’ first impressions. If the siding is in poor condition, potential buyers may be turned off, or your home may not command the price it otherwise would.

Aesthetic Concerns

A shabby exterior can detract from the enjoyment of your home even if you’re not planning to sell. Faded or damaged siding can affect the look of your house, making it seem less inviting and well-maintained.

When it comes time to address the siding concerns detailed above, it is essential to select a contractor you can trust. ARAC Roof It Forward is an acclaimed business in the home improvement industry. They are committed to delivering high-quality siding solutions and a service experience that exceeds expectations.

Exploring the Signs That Your Small Old House Needs Siding Replacement

Your small old house is a treasure; maintaining it requires vigilance and care. The exterior siding is a linchpin in protecting and presenting the house and recognizing the signs that it needs siding replacement is a crucial part of homeownership. Look for these indications and address them to keep your beloved home strong for years.

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