Sleep is a pleasant experience but can be disrupted by a partner’s snoring. The constant noise disrupts your sleep, making it difficult to catch a few winks. This affects your health, daily functioning, and relationships with the person.
If you’re struggling to solve your partner’s snoring, you may get confused with the many options available. It is also easy to ask, “Do nasal strips work for snoring” or if you should explore alternative methods.
However, strategies for handling a partner’s excessive snoring require cooperation from the person who snores. The guide below will explore how to manage the noise effectively for a good night’s sleep.
Tips for Sleeping Better Next to a Snoring Partner
Some basic ways of managing a snoring partner include blocking out the noise, lifestyle changes, etc.
Here is a detailed guide for at-home hacks for handling your partner’s snoring.
1. Block the Noise
Use compact earplugs or noise-canceling headphones to block out your partner’s snoring noise. Earplugs help silence snoring while noise-canceling headphones block external noise. This allows you to listen to your chosen music or sounds for sleep.
2. Increase Bedtime Duration Between You and Your Partner
Stagger your partner’s sleep times by going to bed earlier. This allows you to relax and fall asleep before they join you later.
3. Encourage Your Partner to Ditch Back Sleeping
Back sleeping is not ideal for snorers. It blocks airways and causes the tongue to fall into the throat wall. Instead, encourage partners to shift to their side, as it helps open airways.
4. Lifestyle Changes to Help Your Partner Stop Snoring
- Weight Loss: Losing weight reduces the throat’s fatty tissue. In turn, it reduces or stops snoring.
- Give Up Smoking: Smoke irritates the throat and nasal membranes, blocking the airways. Quitting smoking is a quick way of relieving snoring.
- Minimize alcohol and Sedative Intake Before Bed: Sedatives, including sleeping pills and alcohol, can cause throat muscles relaxation, affecting breathing. They should also consult a doctor about prescription medications.
- Be cautious of Food Before Bed: Consuming dairy or soy milk before bedtime can worsen snoring. They should also avoid large meals before bed.
- Exercise: Working out allows for toning muscles in the throat by toning arms, legs, and abs. They can also opt for throat-specific exercises. They strengthen throat muscles, resulting in less snoring.
Signs for When to See a Physician for Excessive Snoring?
If your co-sleeper’s snoring doesn’t improve, it may indicate underlying sleep apnea. Consult a doctor to identify the root cause and offer a possible treatment plan.
Consult a doctor if snoring is benign or if there are signs of sleep apnea. Watch out for signs such as:
- Thunderous snoring
- Daytime drowsiness
- High blood pressure
- Teeth grinding at night
- Frequent urination at night
- Snoring three or more times per week
- Congestion and headaches in the morning
- Snorting sounds, gasping or choking when snoring
Avoid silence when trying to sleep next to a partner who snores. While one strategy might work for one partner, consider exploring various strategies to reduce impact. Be open to potential solutions, and don’t hesitate to ask for help.