Have you ever received a negative energy bill? Unless you’re already taking advantage of solar energy, then you likely haven’t! The good news is that such a feat is possible if you opt to install solar panels this year.
Before you make that investment, though, you need to know that you won’t always get a negative bill. Sometimes, you may still need to pay an energy bill for your electricity usage.
So, how much is the average electric bill with solar panels? What factors impact the size of your bill? Learn everything you need to know before using solar panels below.
Average Electric Bill Savings to Expect
When you first hire solar panel installers, you’re making a big investment. The proper equipment will run you a few thousand dollars. Remember, this is a long-term investment that will continue to give back for years to come.
In the beginning, those returns won’t be as high as they will be later.
The average household can expect to save about $1,500 a year on electric bills alone.
Factors That Could Impact Your Bill
Your specific savings could be higher or lower than the average figure, though. The amount that you save on each bill will hinge on a lot of factors. Here are a few things that can impact your electric bill after you get your solar panels:
• The size and strength of your panels
• Your electricity usage
• Local temperature and weather
• Your roof’s angle and shading at different times during the year
In the best case situation, your local utility company may borrow power from you! If that happens, they’ll give you money on your next bill!
Non-Monetary Benefits of Going Solar to Consider
By 2025, President Biden hopes to have solar panels on 5 million homes. Of course, saving money isn’t the main reason why so many experts are making such lofty goals.
The non-monetary benefits of going solar carry some real weight. Without acting now, it’s likely that climate change will get worse. Our children will suffer more extreme weather, more food shortages, and greater instability.
We still have time to make a difference, though. Going green will help the planet.
Further, solar power fosters independence. It reduces our foreign dependence and makes individuals less dependent, too. It’s healthier and cleaner than traditional energy sources. Who could ask for more?
Understanding Your Electric Bill With Solar Panels
Knowing what to expect on your electric bill with solar panels will take some trial and error. It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly how much you’ll save. Many factors, including your average usage and production, will impact that final amount.
Over time, your savings will be obvious, though. You should never expect to pay the same as or more than your old bill amount. You’ll always save or get money back.
Are you ready to go solar? If so, then now is a great time to take advantage of federal and state solar incentives! For more awesome tips to help you thrive this year, keep browsing through our website.