De-cluttering your garage may seem daunting at first but breaking it down into three piles – things to keep, sell or donate and trash – should make the task much simpler.

Have plastic bins, cardboard boxes, and bags ready so that you can quickly bag up donation items as you go – this will speed up the process of determining what stays and what goes.

Old Cardboard

Many people keep old cardboard boxes to store items they may not want to dispose of right away, including sports equipment, toys, tools, and clothing that might otherwise go to landfill. 

As these items collect dust and dirt which can contaminate the air and cause respiratory issues, proper disposal must take place by taking them to either a recycling centre or trash service that accepts corrugated cardboard – this prevents waste from being dumped into our environment through landfilling.

People can become complacent in hoarding books that they no longer read, which can become breeding grounds for pests such as earwigs, cockroaches, and silverfish. Furthermore, this takes up space that could otherwise be used for the storage of other items. Many local libraries provide services to donate or recycle unwanted books.

People often keep Christmas and Holiday decorations for decades after their use has expired, which may be donated to local thrift stores; or just end up sitting unused in their garage or shed until cleaning time comes around and it is necessary to dispose of these items. When this time arrives it may be wise to call a professional service like Ridly to help with the cleanout process. They can help make the entire process quick and painless.

When cleaning out your garage, it is essential to take a top-down approach. Start by sweeping and vacuuming the floor before scrubbing walls using warm water with dish soap – this will remove mould or mildew growing on walls or cabinets as well as other contaminants that might have taken root there.

Similarly, if your garage opens directly into your house via an exterior door, it is wise to clean its interior using warm water and dish soap to avoid tracking in any pollutants from outside into your home when returning things from storage. Doing this will prevent grime or other impurities from polluting the air inside when placing items back inside your garage.

Once your garage has been cleaned and mopped, it is advisable to allow it to fully dry before placing anything back inside it. This helps prevent dust and other particles from settling onto vehicles or furniture you might be moving into the space.

Once everything is out of your garage, separating items into three piles — keep, donate/sell, and eliminate — can make the cleaning process simpler. Be honest when considering if items should go in one or all three piles — for example if you are holding onto used rollerblades or tennis rackets which you no longer intend to use, consider giving them away to local youth sports programs or selling them at yard sales if appropriate.


A fresh coat of paint can breathe new life into any garage. However, proper disposal is vital so as not to pollute local waterways or contaminate your garbage disposal system with toxic solvent-based paint containing hazardous elements such as cadmium and chromium that should never be dumped down drains or into bodies of water. You can click the link: for more information.

It can be daunting to decide what to do with extra paint, but there are multiple solutions for disposing of it. One option is to keep solvent-based paint until it solidifies before throwing it out with your household trash; alternatively, bring it along for hazardous waste collection day or take it directly to a local commercial hazardous waste facility.

Leakage from cans of paint contains toxic chemicals that leach into groundwater supplies, which then are carried to lakes and rivers by rain runoff. To protect drinking water sources, the Environmental Protection Agency requires that these toxins be properly disposed of.

Once the trash and unwanted items have been cleared away, you can focus on cleaning floors, walls, and cabinets. A floor-safe degreaser should be used to tackle oil stains while wire brush or kitty litter may help you peel away old paint. After scrubbing is complete, use a mop and bucket of water or your preferred cleaning product to thoroughly rinse floors for a thorough clean.

If your garage floor contains cracks or holes, be sure to fill them promptly to prevent further damage and maximize space utilization. It also gives you an opportunity to inspect for signs of mould or mildew that may be hiding within its corners.

Clean garages make life much more pleasant for you and anyone entering them, while also helping protect against rodents and insects wreaking havoc with your belongings and making them smell bad. Therefore, the time you invest in cleaning it will pay dividends in terms of reduced rodent infestation. 

If you need assistance getting started or simply do not know where to begin with cleaning up your space, consult a professional for the best ways to organize and clean up. They may even offer guidance for long-term upkeep of a clean environment, so you are always glad when entering.

Old Furniture

Cluttered garages often contain pieces of old furniture. This could include tables, chairs and shelves that have been sitting there for years – and do not have any other use than to gather dust! Instead of discarding them as trash, donate or recycle them instead – here are a few steps that will ensure they are disposed of in an eco-friendly way when clearing out your garage.

Before beginning to clean out your garage, it is best to first empty it completely. This allows you to see exactly what items are within and will make the remainder of the process simpler. 

After collecting items, categorize and sort them accordingly – whether to keep, donate, sell, or discard. When selling or donating goods it can be beneficial to use services like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace to maximize selling potential. 

Make sure the items you plan to keep are organized to save space. If you own many tools, investing in shelving and toolboxes to organize them and keep them off of the floor (where moisture damage could easily occur) may be wise. 

Bulky items, such as sporting equipment or tools may benefit from hanging them from walls rather than taking up valuable floor space.

Eliminate any old electronics accumulating in your garage by recycling them, such as old 8-track tapes. 

Once your garage has been decluttered, it is a good idea to sweep and vacuum thoroughly to remove any dust or dirt that has gathered in corners or cracks. Additionally, installing shelf brackets will free up much-needed floor space; this is especially beneficial when dealing with larger flat items that can become dust-covered easily, such as tables or wooden planks which become susceptible to cobwebs quickly.

Having a clean garage is beneficial to your health and safety. Not only can it help ensure that pests, mould, and fungus do not have easy access to your home, but it can also provide additional storage.