2020 is almost here and there has never been a better time to realign goals and make a plan to keep those New Year resolutions.

Jodi Low, a Scottsdale-based nationally renowned corporate trainer, motivational speaker and founder of the leadership development company U & Improved, hosts seminars around the world, and this holiday season is helping some the Valley’s best and brightest to realign both professional and personal goals so they can create a plan to make their goals a reality in the New Year.

Here is the low down on the six most important goals for every busy professional, no matter their title or vertical of business, in 2020:

1. Prioritize: Focus on what matters most. Make a plan and stick with it.

2. Seek Harmony: Break up with the idea of work-life balance. Seek harmony instead. Create alignment between your personal values and those of your organization.

3. Growth: Seek opportunities to stretch yourself and to take a good, honest look at yourself in the mirror. What’s working? What isn’t? And what can you do differently this year from last to achieve better results? Continually and consciously improve yourself and all other areas of your life will follow suit.

4. Focus: It’s easier than ever to get bombarded and overwhelmed by a trillion things that all need your attention…now. Make this the year that you get organized, say no to superfluous agenda items that aren’t “musts” and focus on what matters most…to you, to your team and to the longevity and success of the business.  Organize each week in advance to ensure your short-term goals are leading to long-term success.

5. Read:  Leaders are readers. What book will challenge you to think new thoughts and do something differently? Read a book a month at minimum and watch how broad your knowledge base becomes. Knowledge may bring power; however it is the knowledge plus the action behind it that truly drives results.

6. Reflect:  Pause. Contemplate. Wonder. Reflect. Numerous studies have shown the positive effects of gratitude. Take moments to reflect, be grateful/thankful and continue to appreciate what you have while working toward what you want.

Join founder Jodi Low for a 90-minute workshop, Setting U Up for Success in 2020, on January 17, 2020 in Scottsdale. Tickets are $149/person and available on Eventbrite

For more information on U & Improved and their leadership development programming, visit www.uandimproved.com or call 480.305.5665. For ongoing updates, news and other leadership insights, connect with them on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.