If you suffer from anxiety, you might feel like it’s too big to overcome on your own. Perhaps you’ve been prescribed medication that seems to help sometimes, but not completely. Or, you might be hesitant to try anything at all, including therapy.
Have you ever wondered if anxiety is something you can overcome on your own? Although it seems insurmountable, the truth may surprise you. It’s absolutely possible to dissolve anxiety without drugs, and some people can even do it without therapy.
The key to doing this successfully is to create a plan and stay committed no matter what. If you quit too early, you won’t see the results you’re hoping for.
What is anxiety?
If you ask people what anxiety is, you’re bound to get several different answers. Some people will tell you it’s a disorder that makes you feel anxious about the unknown where your thoughts race, and others will say it’s simply a feeling in the body. People experience anxiety differently, and not everyone has racing thoughts. However, one thing seems to be universal: it feels like you’re on the verge of impending panic or doom and is usually accompanied by a rapid heart rate. It’s extremely unsettling.
Knowing this, it might seem difficult to overcome, but it’s actually easier than you think. Many times, anxiety is the result of your nervous system staying stuck in “fight or flight” mode for too long, or being too easily triggered into this state. People who are prone to hypervigilance are more likely to experience anxiety for no apparent reason, which is a sign that the body’s fight or flight mode is stuck in the “on” position.
The bottom line is that when anxiety stems from a physiological response, if you can calm that response, you can decrease and even eliminate the anxiety. The dilemma is that there is a feedback loop where thoughts can trigger physical anxiety, and then physical anxiety can trigger more of those same thoughts in an endless loop. So, to combat anxiety, you need to work on both ends at the same time.
Ways people successfully reduce anxiety
If you’re tired of dealing with anxiety that never disappears, there are a few things you can do to work on reducing and eliminating it entirely. As long as you’re committed to the outcome and don’t give up, it’s very possible to achieve your goal.
1. Therapy
The first thing to consider is therapy. A good therapist will help you identify the root cause of your anxiety and teach you ways to manage your symptoms and train your body out of reacting to triggers. They’ll work with you on healing the cause and supporting you the whole way.
If you’re searching for a professional, TherapyTribe makes it easy to find an anxiety therapist in Arizona so you can start building more effective responses to your triggers.
2. Meditation
At first glance, meditation seems like it might be too passive to eliminate anxiety, but it’s extremely powerful. Several studies have proven the power of meditation to reduce anxiety and panic attacks, even in people diagnosed with agoraphobia.
It may seem passive, but when you meditate, you’re not just sitting quietly. You’re actually training your brain into states that embody calmer wavelengths and the more you put yourself into those states, the less time you’ll spend in agitation. Do it enough and your brain won’t slip so easily into a state of anxiety.
Training yourself to become aware of the present moment during meditation gives you access to resources you can’t even see in other states. For example, you’ll experience an inner stillness and in that space you’ll find a sense of calm and peace. This state is available to you at any time, and the more you get there through meditation, the more it will influence your daily life. Over time, you’ll find yourself responding less and less to triggers and the intensity of your anxiety attacks will lessen.
3. Specialized nutrition
Using diet to relieve anxiety is easy if you don’t mind giving up nervous system stimulants and depressants, like caffeine and alcohol. Avoiding sugar, fried foods, processed foods, and unhealthy fats will also go a long way.
When you eat complex carbohydrates, you’ll maintain a more even blood sugar level, which will make you feel more calm. And don’t skip meals when you’re working on relieving anxiety – you’ll end up with a drop in blood sugar that can give you the jitters.
Try everything until you feel better
Anxiety is tough to live with because it makes living a normal life hard, and that’s why it’s important to try everything until you feel better. Use the resources you feel drawn to, and don’t give up until you find a combination that works.