Some breeds of dogs are more anxious than others, but many of our furry friends tend to have certain levels of anxiety and certain things that trigger this emotional response. Being left alone for any amount of time is a classic scenario that can make a dog anxious.

Giving them a distraction, such as leaving them to enjoy a natural treat like Bully Sticks could work. These dog chews could prove beneficial in reducing their anxiety levels. That is just one option to try,  here are some suggestions if your dog gets anxious.

Wear them out with some physical activity

A proven tactic for helping to reduce anxiety levels would be to take your dog out for some exercise.

Physical activity helps your dog to burn off excess energy. Throwing the ball or taking it out for a long walk can help burn off that excess energy and reduce stress.

Give them something to chew on

Boredom and anxiety can be issues that combine to make your dog more fretful, especially when they are separated from you.

If you give them a dog chew to enjoy while you are away it will provide a welcome distraction and take their mind away from feeling anxious.

Dogs respond to music therapy

The fact that you can download music for dogs from most streaming sites tells you how good music therapy can be for calming your dog.

It has been shown that classical music has a calming influence on dogs. If you have this music playing in the background, especially when you have to leave them for a while, it should help to minimize their anxiety.

Dogs love physical contact with their owners

When your dog is showing signs of stress and anxiety in front of you a good thing to try would be some physical contact with them.

Your pooch will find your soothing touch takes them to a much calmer place in an instant. If you have time for a nice cuddle with your dog it can really help keep anxiety at bay.

Try giving them a massage

Another form of physical contact that your dog will love is when you give them a massage. Dogs respond to massage therapy in much the same way as humans do.

Learn some basic dog massage techniques and use them to calm your dog down when they start to get anxious.

Try using an anxiety jacket

Many dogs respond positively to being swaddled and like the comfort of being held tightly. You can buy anxiety jackets and similar products that provide constant stress relief.

Your dog might need a time-out to calm down

You can train your dog to view a certain place to be their little sanctuary where they go to get some peace and quiet.  A dog crate is the perfect example of this.

Your dog might enjoy sitting in a place where they feel safe and secure, such as a crate. It could help calm them down when they enjoy a time-out in their favorite spot.

If your dog gets anxious, try these suggestions and see if they manage to get their tail wagging again rather than feeling tense.