Today, I learned several interesting animal facts at the Arizona Science Center Survival of the Slowest exhibit: 1. Boa constrictors actually give birth (between 30 and 60 baby snakes — yikes!) 2. Tarantulas molt near-perfect replicas of themselves. 3. Sloths are extremely sensitive to smell (and can also be quite ornery). The exhibit, which began February 5, ends this Sunday. If you love animals, reptiles and amphibians as well as fun facts about them, I encourage you to head over to the center this weekend to learn more.

Comprised of 23 animals, Survival of the Slowest invites visitors to see sloths (Sash and JJ) Sonic the hedgehog, Jimmy the snake and a somewhat cantankerous chameleon (Pascal), among other fascinating creatures. And you get to view them all up close and personal in their carefully crafted environments.
The exhibit owners and Arizona Science Center have not only gone to great lengths to ensure the safety and wellbeing of each temporary resident on display, but they are also extremely knowledgeable about each one — including their natural habitats, behaviors (and favorite snacks). If you see Vanessa, be sure to ask her how many times a year a tarantula eats!
Survival of the Slowest ends this Sunday! Here’s what you need to know:
Daily presentations at 12:15 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. feature boa constrictors, common leopard geckos, a four-toed hedgehog, a bearded dragon and more. Featured animals will vary by day and presentation.
Survival of the Slowest is open daily to the public from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for a limited engagement through August 7, 2022. Pricing for the exhibition is $6.95 for members and $8.95 for non-members. General admission tickets are required. Children under three are always FREE. Tickets are available to purchase at Arizona Science Center and
Reservations are recommended.