A move to NYC is the beginning of an adventure. However, the process of moving is never fun, let alone in this juggernaut of a city. Here is the good news: in the midst of the moving overwhelm, the tearful goodbyes, and the fear of the unknown, there is a way to make this move easy-breezy. Here is how:

Have a Battle Plan

Make no mistake, moving is a battle with you on one side and the sheer amount of moving logistics and labor on the other end. To win this battle, you need to have a battle plan and some strategy. Ask yourself questions like: What day do you absolutely need to have your truck, when will you start packing, when is the walk-through, etc? Make a checklist of what needs to happen in what order. Think about getting all of your utilities transferred to the new place and having your address changed. List your goals, and you will be sure to be successful in taking down the moving giants.

Buy Supplies

Now that you have a plan, it’s time to get supplies! Don’t cheap out on boxes or packing materials—you don’t want your TV to be in pieces after not packing it right. Check your local office supply store to get a moving kit. Pick up some moving blankets and furniture pads to wrap valuables in. Throw in some sticky notes, boxes, and tape while you are at it.

Declutter and Be Ruthless

Now it’s time to get rid of some stuff with no mercy! Before you move, assess your personal belongings and ask: Do I really love this? How often do I use this? If you determine you no longer have a need for certain items, sell them or donate and/or recycle them if possible. Not only will lighter packing make the moving process easier, but it will also make fitting things into your new abode easier, and you won’t have to pay for storage.

Pack Like a Boss

Now that you’ve decluttered and stocked up like a pro, organize your packing by the rooms in your home and clearly label the boxes. Crossing this ‘t’ will make your unpacking process in NYC not feel as daunting. For added organization, use color-coordinating labels. A blue box marked as “kitchen” with a blue label on the door is a great way to help coordinate unpacking efforts on a moving day. Remember to pack essentials last. Keep your everyday go-to items up front and ready to go. That way, you’re not sorting through boxes to find them on your first morning in your NYC home. 

Hire Experts 

Our next tip is to consider hiring the pros. With a reputable moving company like Moishes Moving by your side, moving day will be a breeze. Moishes offers a host of services, from packing assistance to reliable transport to your new home. Their team of experts will help transport your most valuable items safely and swiftly. Moving professionals know how to get the job done in no time and will save you the physical strain of lugging boxes up endless flights of stairs. Not to mention the fact that they know how to navigate the quirks of this city! 

Ready To Take On The Big Apple 

Moving to NYC: How To Pack Tips! When moving to New York City, we know that you’re thinking about packing and unpacking in your new place. But there is no reason you need to stress by having a plan of action, getting ample necessary packing supplies, having the right mindset, proper packing, and quality hands to help. Pretty soon, you will be unpacking and nesting in your new home. Here’s to fresh starts in the city of lights, cameras, and action!