Have you ever considered spending your summer holidays in Noto, Sicily?

Noto is one of the most renowned towns in the valley of the same name. Located in the province of Syracuse, it is a small town that concentrates on Baroque architectural masterpieces of great value. In addition, nature has been generous in the area and has given the coast beautiful beaches and natural sites that are worth noting.

Let’s discover Noto and its surroundings!

The Val di Noto

The Val di Noto is in south-eastern Sicily. It includes several towns in the provinces of Syracuse, Catania, and Ragusa. Since 2022, eight of these have become part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site, including Noto and the cities just mentioned: Caltagirone, Palazzolo Acreide, Scicli, Modica, and Militello Val di Catania.

What made the Val di Noto enter the UNESCO-protected heritage? We have already said it: the Baroque. In the 17th century, the area was hit by a devastating earthquake, and following the reconstruction, the towns of the valley returned to a new life more magnificent than ever.

It must also be said that Noto itself is not far from the Syracusan coast, which promises unforgettable experiences for lovers of the sea and natural landscapes. In short, nothing is missing here to experience days of vacation full of every form of beauty and goodness. An aspect not to be underestimated, the Val di Noto is also interesting for its local productions: the delicious almond, the undisputed protagonist of Sicilian confectionery tradition, and the wines.

But if you want to come here, the ideal place to sleep is in one of the most luxurious villas in Noto, Sicily.

Now let’s see what you can see in the historic center of the town.

What to See in Noto’s Historic Center

Noto is a small town that is best explored on foot. It will be hard not to spend your entire time admiring its imposing Baroque buildings with your nose in the air!

First, there is the Cathedral of San Nicolò. It stands majestically at the top of a long flight of steps, now one of Noto’s most photographed places. From its position, it dominates the intricate maze of streets in the center. It is open from 9 to 20 and, if you wish, you can visit the annexed museum.

But look behind you, too!Opposite the cathedral is another extraordinary example of Baroque architecture: Palazzo Ducezio. The palace is named after the king of the Siculi who founded ancient Noto and is now home to the Town Hall. It is worth visiting both to access the balcony and to admire one of the city’s most representative institutional sites: the Sala degli Specchi. Also, the Teatro Comunale “Tina di Lorenzo” is annexed to the palace. Palazzo Ducezio is open every day of the year from 9:30 to 13:30 and from 14:30 to 18:30.

Palazzo Nicolaci di Villadorata is another Baroque gem that deserves its due attention. In fact, its interior is neoclassical. You can visit the Piano Nobile, with its Salone delle Feste and the Sala del Tè.

Then, there is the Church of San Carlo al Corso. It is a small 18th-century building that we recommend visiting, especially because from its bell tower, you can enjoy a beautiful panorama of the city of Noto.

And Noto is full of ups and downs. Not surprisingly, it is famous for an annual event that takes place in the spring on the occasion of the Corpus Domini Feast: the Infiorata.

The Infiorata di Noto transforms the central Via Nicolaci into a carpet of flowers. Each year, there is a theme, and for 2024, it has been chosen to pay homage to the centenary of the death of the famous Italian composer Giacomo Puccini.

Based on the Infiorata’s installations, the Scalinata Mariannina Coffa is also decorated with digital technology. This staircase is always accessible and offers charming views of the city.

Finally, the main streets of Noto are also the same ones where you can devote yourself to shopping. We recommend that you pay attention to the valuable local products, which consist of gastronomic and artisan preparations.

If you like to furnish your home with unique pieces, you should take a look at Ceramiche Caristia. If you prefer to bring home something tasty for yourself and your friends, it is worth stocking up on Campisi Conserve.

Things to do around Noto

Noto is not directly on the sea but not far from the coast. If you want to take a swim in golden sand and an accessible sea, then you can consider Lido di Noto.

But if you prefer unspoiled places immersed in superb nature, then we recommend visiting two beaches: Eloro and Calamosche. Both are located in the vast Vendicari nature reserve, which is undoubtedly one of the most breathtaking places in Sicily. This protected area satisfies lovers of beach life and those who prefer to walk along nature trails to admire the plants of the Mediterranean flora and the flight of birds.

Not far from Vendicari, there is also an archaeological site outside the historic center of Noto. It is the Villa Romana del Tellaro, a domus from the 4th century BC that still preserves a good part of the mosaic flooring.

If discovering the remains of ancient cities is your passion and trekking does not scare you, then you could also take the opportunity to reach the remains of ancient Noto, where the Greek and Roman cities overlap. The site was abandoned after the 1693 earthquake that destroyed the Val di Noto. It is also located near Cava Carosello, which is a fairytale place: waterfalls and hidden lakes await you for a refreshing dip after a long walk!

Do you want to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Val di Noto? Then we suggest you dedicate a day to the Treno del Barocco path. It is an unmissable opportunity to discover other Baroque gems of Sicily: Syracuse, Scicli, Modica and Ragusa, comfortably on board a vintage train.

What and where to eat in Noto

Sicily offers a divine culinary experience. First and foremost, there is a whole array of desserts that you absolutely must try. In Noto, at Caffè Sicilia, you can have a gastronomic experience totally dedicated to the best of Sicilian tradition in terms of desserts. You can’t leave without trying the almond granita from Avola!

Speaking of Avola, remember that the surroundings of Noto are famous for the presence of estates and wineries that produce excellent Sicilian wines, including Nero d’Avola. If you want to indulge in a few glasses of wine accompanied by something delicious, you could visit Cantina Marilina for a tasting menu.

If you are looking for a more elevated and refined culinary experience but still close to Sicily’s rustic hospitality, then you could try the Michelin-starred Ristorante Crocifisso. You can opt for elegant seafood dishes or simpler preparations, such as “pasta ca muddica”, with stale bread, tomato, salted ricotta, and olive oil, or “scacce ragusane,” focaccia filled with vegetables, cheese, or meat.

How to get to Noto

The most practical way to reach Noto is to land in Catania or Ragusa. You can get there by train or bus, but we suggest renting a car. Although Noto is not far from those mentioned above larger Sicilian cities, it is also true that it is good to explore the surrounding area to be independent. Otherwise, you would need more time to fully immerse yourself in this valley’s warm and enchanting atmosphere.

What are you waiting for to book your holiday in Noto?