Starting Sunday May 11, learn and taste the differences between full-immersion vs. drip brewing, and more.

WHO: Coffee cravers, bean buffs, Joe junkies and anyone else interested in learning more about the secrets to preparing and savoring the perfect cup o’ coffee.

WHAT: Are you tired of the sipping the same old cup o’ Joe? Do you want to learn more about the latest advances in bean blends and high-tech preparation, but don’t know where to start? Head on over to the Phoenix Public Market Café, where the gurus at Cartel Coffee Labs will be hosting a free coffee tasting and demo from 8 – 10 am on the second Sunday of each month. Kicking off on Sunday, May 11, learn variations in coffee brewing techniques with demos led by Cartel’s expert staff as they demonstrate techniques such as full immersion brewing methods versus filter drip brew – all while tasting the results!

For the decaffeinated, full immersion brewing techniques, such as the French Press, Vacuum Pot or Siphon Brewing, steep the coffee grounds directly in hot water for an extended period of time, before the grounds are removed to leave behind the coffee. Meanwhile, drip brewing, or filtered coffee, involves pouring water over roasted, ground coffee beans contained in a filter, and can include everything from the traditional drip coffeemaker to the test tube-like Chemex coffee maker.

WHEN: Cartel Coffee Lab tastings at the Phoenix Public Market Café are hosted every second Sunday from 8 – 10 am, starting on Sunday, May 11, 2014

WHERE: Phoenix Public Market Café
14 E. Pierce Street (Central Avenue & McKinley Street)
Phoenix, AZ 85004