Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market once again invites Valley residents to shop all things chippy, rusty, vintage and handmade at their semi-annual shopping experience, featuring over 130 vintage curators and handmade artisans from across the country. The Scottsdale Market, held at WestWorld, provides live music, local food trucks and more to create the unique shopping experience that is Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market. With a reputation for featuring quality vendors selling one-of-a-kind items and inspiring design, the Market continues to be a popular attraction for vintage enthusiasts across the Southwest.
“Our amazing vendors have been collecting treasures from all over the country,” said Coley Arnold, Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market co-founder and owner. “The Market offers our shoppers unique items they can’t find anywhere else. Each item, whether big or small, has a story and has character!”
While shopping is the main attraction, the Market provides fun for the whole family – with games for the kids, food trucks, live music and more. In their ninth year of hosting Markets, Arnold and fellow co-founder and owner Lindsey Holt have extensive experience in providing an event everyone can appreciate.
“We have hosted over 30 Markets across four locations in two different states, but we especially love providing our hometown community with the BEST weekend of vintage shopping,” said Holt. “Each Market brings fun and fabulous finds, and an experience you can enjoy by yourself or with friends, family or your significant other!”
Attendees are encouraged to bring a package of disinfectant wipes, diapers/wipes, or feminine care products to the Market to donate to Maggie’s Place, an organization that provides houses of hospitality and ongoing support to help pregnant and parenting women in need reach their goals while welcoming them into a community filled with love and dignity. Attendees will receive $1 off admission with a donation.
Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market will be held April 24, 25, and 26, 2020 at WestWorld, 16601 North Pima Road, in Scottsdale. Ticket prices range from $8.00 to $65.00 (see below).
• VIP and Early Entry tickets go on sale March 1st at junkinthetrunkvintagemarket.com
• The Friday night shopping VIP event will be on Friday, April 24 from 4:00-9:00pm: $50.00 in advance or $65.00 at the gate.
• Early Entry, 8:00-9:00am Saturday, April 25: $20.00 in advance or $25.00 at gate.
• General Admission, 9:00am-4:00pm Saturday & Sunday, April 25 & 26: $8.00 at gate only
• Military discount, $1.00 off, at gate only
• Wear official Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market apparel for $1.00 discount, at gate only
• Kids 12 and under are free.
• Bring a package of disinfectant wipes, diapers/wipes, or feminine care products to donate to Maggie’s Place for $1 off your ticket.
• Venue charges for parking – $5.00 per vehicle. Please plan to carpool.
Since 2011, Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market has welcomed well over 200,000 shoppers through its doors across Arizona and California. What started as a small backyard market and creative outlet for founders Holt and Arnold has supported more than 1,500 small businesses. Reaching the local community has always been at the heart of the event. The market has long partnered with local Young Life chapters to send high school and junior high kids to camp, as well as other non-profits to bring forth the greater good. As with previous Markets, a portion of all ticket sales at the Scottsdale Market will go toward the Mission One Sewing Project in Kijabe Town Kenya. To learn more, visit: http://junkinthetrunkvintagemarket.com/mission-ones-kijabe-womens-sewing-project/.
For more information on Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market, a detailed list of featured vendors, and additional information, visit junkinthetrunkvintagemarket.com or follow us on these social media platforms: facebook.com/junkinthetrunkvintagemarket and @junkinthetrunkvintagemarket (Instagram) — or follow along via hashtag #junkinthetrunkvintagemarket or #partylikeajunker.