It is starting to feel like we can see a light at the end of the Pandemic Tunnel. With roll-outs of the COVID-19 vaccines in full force, many of us are eagerly anticipating seeing our friends and loved ones again.  We may be able to have backyard gatherings, dinners at restaurants, and casual coffee dates—not to mention more relaxed actual dates!  While you still might wear a mask at many of these events, you will—someday soon—be seeing people in person again.  But if you are like the rest of us, you probably let a few things slide as the pandemic dragged on.  Maybe your at-home workout got a little less rigorous, and comfort food a more regular indulgence.  Maybe you stopped taking care of your skin the way you used to, or maybe you just didn’t have the energy for self-care. While that is totally understandable, here are a few skincare tips you can do now so that you look and feel your best when you start seeing your loved ones again.

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Let’s start with the best thing you can do: visit an aesthetician for a facial.  This may sound indulgent, but how much self-care have you done this year?  Not only will you get to relax and be pampered, your aesthetician will provide you with a wealth of knowledge on how to best improve your skin.  Each of us needs something a little different, so ask your provider whether your skin is dry, oily, thick, healthy, dull, or resilient.  With this information, you can get the right products to develop healthy skin habits at home. 

Next, invest in a few medical-grade skin care products.  You do not need a ton of products on your skin; a face wash, moisturizer, treatment, and sunscreen are the essentials.   Everyone needs a regular face wash.  And no, washing your face with water doesn’t count.  In a dry city like Phoenix, moisturizer is also essential.  Be sure to choose a moisturizer that is right for your skin.  Some moisturizers have hyaluronic acid to attract extra water to your skin, while others contain peptides that boost collagen and elastin.  You can also improve the performance of your products by adding a Vitamin C serum in the morning and make your skin more resilient by adding a retinol at night.

Finally, start to consider what is going to give you the most bang for your buck.  There are four types of aging that people notice.  These are animation (wrinkles), balance (symmetry), volume (sagging or hollowness) and texture (how smooth your skin is).  If you are in your 30s or older, a robust routine at home will improve your skin, but it is likely you’ll need a little more help to look your absolute best.  Start to research what a laser or a little Botox could do for you—the great thing about Botox is that the results are almost immediate, and it’s not permanent!    

The excitement at being with your loved ones and back to a more normal routine will definitely show on your face—so act now to make sure it looks its absolute best.


Arizona Facial Plastics offers a wide range of aesthetic procedures and treatments as the leading full-service facial-plastics and medical aesthetics practice in Phoenix. New patients get a free skin consultation to learn more about their skin – from volume loss, tone, texture, wrinkles and more. Visit or call 480-296-0488 to schedule an appointment.