The extreme summer heat can be downright dangerous. The scorching summer sun can increase your risk of heatstroke or a heart attack. Even if you don’t experience those dangerous health events, you may still suffer from dehydration, nausea, and heat exhaustion. Given all the risks associated with prolonged exposure to the summer heat, keeping yourself cool should be your priority. 

So, how should you go about staying cool and comfortable during the summer? Following the tips detailed in this article should prove immensely helpful. 

Drink Plenty of Water While Working 

Staying hydrated is essential to beating the summer heat, but you should be mindful of what you’re drinking and how often you’re downing it. Consuming caffeine while working can be harmful because it can lead to unnecessary strain and excessive stimulation. Alcoholic drinks can also cause dehydration. You should stick to drinking water so you can cool down your body without experiencing any ill effects. 

Frequent hydration is also a must during the summer.  According to the CDC, you should aim to drink at least one cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes. You can reduce your water intake once you’re done working for the day. 

Eat Foods With High Water Content 

Drinking water during your summer mealtimes is a must if you want to keep your fluid levels high. However, you cannot just focus on your drinks. The foods you’re eating can also affect your hydration levels. 

Sugary and fatty foods can weigh you down and make dealing with the summer heat harder. Processed foods can also have dehydrating effects, so you should avoid them as much as possible. 

In order to stay hydrated, you want to add foods with high water content to your diet.  According to UCLA Health, cucumber, lettuce, and tomatoes are among the foods that can help you stay refreshed. If you’re looking for treats with a bit more substance, you can also dine on mushrooms, cauliflower, and squash. 

Build Your Schedule Around Limiting Sun Exposure 

Sunscreen, hats, and light clothing can only do so much to help you stay cool under the summer sun. The intensity of the sun’s heat can simply be too overwhelming sometimes, and no precautionary measures can mitigate its harmful effects well enough. Because of that, it would simply be better for you to avoid the sun as much as possible. 

Create a schedule that allows you to avoid prolonged sun exposure. If you have to run errands, try to complete them early or late in the day. 

You should also consider completely changing your workout schedule. Limit yourself to only early morning or nighttime jogs. You should also look for a gym that’s open during nighttime hours so you can exert appropriate effort without putting excessive strain on your body. 

Request Necessary HVAC Maintenance 

Depending on where you live, the only way for you to stay cool at home may involve using an air conditioner. During the peak of summer, using a fan may actually cause you to feel hotter instead of cooling you down. Opening your windows may also present an issue because it allows warm air to enter your home. 

Make sure your HVAC system can always keep your household comfortable by scheduling necessary maintenance. Ask a technician to check your unit before the start of summer to ensure it works without any issues. 

You should also watch out for signs of HVAC issues. Longer cooling times, higher electric bills, and unusual noises are all signs your AC has low Freon. Other issues that may affect your unit include clogged filters and malfunctioning thermostats. Request service as soon as you notice those issues so you can keep using your air conditioner. 

Fix Leaks Around Your Home 

Your HVAC system can only provide the cooling you need if it’s working within the right environment. It will have a hard time reaching and maintaining your desired temperature if it has to contend with the hot air entering your home through leaks along your doors and windows. Fix those leaks before running your air conditioner so you can stay comfortable throughout the day. 

Don’t let the summer heat get to you by following the tips in this article. Use them to stay comfortable and have a good time this summer!