In May 2020, Sleep Standards surveyed 1,032 respondents across the United States on how Netflix affects their sleep. The results reveal interesting data from factors that prevent Americans from a good night’s sleep to Netflix routine.

Here are some of the highlights from the survey:

• Up to 99.1% of Americans have a Netflix account that they watch every day.

• 74.98% of Netflix users don’t have enough time to get at least 7 hours of sleep every day

• 54.8% of Americans confirmed that they watch Netflix in their bedroom.

• Americans spend an average of 1 to 3 hours per day watching Netflix.

• 82.39% of Millennials have admitted to binge-watching Netflix for more than 5 hours on occasion.

• During the COVID-19 quarantine, 39% of Americans prefer to watch Netflix while 22% prefer to get more sleep.

• 7.3% of Americans prefer drugs, CBD oil, or other sleep supplements to get more sleep after binge-watching Netflix.

• Besides “Coronavirus, Explained”, “Tiger King” is the second most likely show to make Americans lose sleep during the pandemic.

• 54.8% of Americans confirmed that they watch Netflix in their bedroom.

• The living room is the second favorite place for watching Netflix, with 40.3% of those surveyed saying they prefer it.

• 4.9% of respondents said they prefer rooms like the bathroom, kitchen, office, etc.