Being approved for a mortgage is something many people spend a long time preparing for. However, once you have the go-ahead, the overwhelming happiness that you will be feeling can often result in you forgetting about some crucial things that must be put in place after you have been approved. This article aims to guide you through everything you should put in place. Once this has been sorted, you can finally make the most of your new home.
Life Insurance
While getting life insurance after you are approved for a mortgage isn’t obligatory, it can put many people’s minds at ease to know that their family will be financially stable in the event of their death. If you have dependents, such as children, a spouse or any family that lives with you, having life insurance is often recommended. It will ensure that your mortgage can still be paid even after you have passed away and will provide them with enough money to cover the funeral expenses. How much you pay each month will affect the lump sum that your family will receive, but knowing which is the best insurance company to go for can be difficult, especially when you want low-interest rates.
Trying to find the right life insurance doesn’t have to be too difficult though, as companies such as Insurance Geek will take away the hassle and compare and find you the top carriers across the country that will provide you with the best possible solution.
A strong money management plan
Part of having a mortgage means you have to pay a set amount of money every month until you have a paid it off. In order to keep up to date with the payments, you need to ensure that you have a good handle of your money. If you do find yourself getting behind on your mortgage payments by more than 30 days, you could find that your credit score is affected; this can have a knock-on effect on your chances of taking out another loan or a credit card.
It is vital that if this does happen, you contact your lender. They will need to be kept updated on anything that could affect your ability to pay your monthly mortgage. A number of things can affect your ability to pay for your mortgage, such as losing your job or a divorce. While the likelihood of these happening to you might be slim, it is always good to prepare for the eventuality, just in case.
This is why you should put a plan in place that allows you to manage your money properly. Start putting away a little bit each month in a savings account that will only be accessed if you are unable to pay your mortgage at any given time. To determine how much you can put away, you should consider the income you are currently receiving. You will then want to look at all the outgoing expenses that you will need to pay on top of the mortgage. This can include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Utility bills
- Food
- Transport
Once you have put all the needs above the wants, you can then decide on the amount to put away in the savings account.