It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. As this festive time approaches, memories come alive, homes are filled with friends and family and holiday cheer.
However, did you know that there are hundreds of children and young adults around the Valley who have been abandoned, orphaned or removed from their homes due to domestic violence, neglect, parental drug abuse or encarceration?
This year the Arizona Builders’ Alliance Community Service Board is collecting toys to benefit the Sunshine Acres Community and Sunshine Group Homes organizations.
This year’s drive will provide goods and services to brighten the holidays of 330+ kids and young adults (ages 6 to 18).
The Sunshine Project helps to provide these 210 boys and 110 girls a safe and stable environment so that they can heal, grow, and eventually re-enter society as whole citizens.
Please help by donating new unwrapped toys or games. There is a need for items in all age groups; in English and Spanish; with the greatest need for those ranging from 4-18 years of age.
Donations will be accepted at the ABA office, 1825 W. Adams, Phoenix, through Dec. 17.
The Valley’s general contractors are also participating via a “Project Bid.”
Contact the ABA at for more information.