Honoree: Peter Fine, CEO, Banner Health
Peter Fine, CEO Banner Health.2010 Health Care Leadership Awards
Peter Fine, president and CEO of Phoenix-based Banner Health for more than nine years, leads the nonprofit organization with 22 facilities in seven states and more than 35,000 employees.
Banner is the largest private employer in Arizona and admits more than 234,000 patients annually. In 2009, Fine oversaw, managed and implemented more than $1 billion in capital investment, including the $109 million M.D. Anderson Banner Cancer Center on the campus of Banner Gateway Medical Center in Gilbert, opening in 2011; and the $356 million Cardon Children’s Medical Center at Banner Desert Medical Center in Mesa.
Ironically, while Fine was in discussions with Houston-based M.D. Anderson in 2008, he was diagnosed with throat cancer. While undergoing treatment, Fine maintained his management and leadership at Banner Health. Today, is he cancer free, and shares his experience with others as an inspirational model of leadership, courage and dedication to excellent patient care. Fine was hired as CEO of Banner Health in November 2000.
Today, Banner provides more than $65 million in charity care annually and is nationally recognized for its patient safety efforts. Under Fine’s leadership, Banner has weathered the current economic recession, generating nearly $5 billion in annual revenue. At Banner, Fine oversees a system-wide initiative called Care Transformation that unites clinical care with leading-edge clinical computer systems to provide better, safer care to patients.
[stextbox id=”grey” image=”www.bannerhealth.com”]www.bannerhealth.com[/stextbox]
Finalist: Laurie Eberst, President and CEO, Mercy Gilbert Medical Center
Laurie Eberst isn’t your typical hospital executive. An RN with an MBA, Eberst has been president and CEO of Mercy Gilbert Medical Center since 2004, and with the exception of a seven-year time period, she has been with Catholic Healthcare West, which operates Mercy Gilbert, since 1979.
Laurie Eberst is the Presidet and CEO of Mercy Gilbert Medical Center. She visits with patients on a daily basis, recognizing that these encounters are the most important meetings she has on any given day. The conversations resulting from these meetings enable Eberst to ensure that each patient is receiving the best possible medical treatment. That’s not all.
One of Eberst’s favorite events is the quarterly Tea with Laurie. Every employee who is mentioned in a letter from a patient or family is invited to have tea with Eberst at this recognition event. She also holds town hall meetings and monthly birthday celebrations for employees. Eberst was drawn to health care because she has the true, nurturing nature of a caregiver.
[stextbox id=”grey” image=”www.mercygilbert.org”]www.mercygilbert.org[/stextbox]
David Veillette, CEO, Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA)
Most mornings, you won’t find David Veillette, president and CEO of Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) at Western Regional Medical Center, sitting at his desk. More likely he’s at the inpatient unit, chemotherapy infusion area or outpatient clinic visiting with patients and their caregivers to learn about their experience at CTCA and how his staff can improve upon it.
David Veillete is the CEO and President of Cancer Treatment Centers for America (CTCA). With more than 35 years of experience in the health care field in clinical and leadership roles, Veillette has held national registries in cardiovascular, perfusion, radiology and pulmonary technologies. Under his guidance and leadership, the hospital has flourished, providing cancer patients in the Western United States with a new and unique option in cancer care.
When other hospitals say, “There is nothing more we can do,” Veillette says they mean there is nothing more they can do. He believes there is always more that can be done, and champions that philosophy at CTCA.
[stextbox id=”grey” image=”www.cancercenter.com”]www.cancercenter.com[/stextbox]