Patty White – President and CEO, St. Joseph’s Hospital
White has been with Dignity Health Arizona for 30 years. During that time, she has had progressive management positions throughout the organization, including her most current role as president and CEO.
Surprising fact: “I grew up 9 miles outside of a rural town in Missouri, a farmer’s daughter. We depended on the land for everything. I was even born at home before it was popular.”
Biggest challenge: “Work/life balance is really difficult in a fast-paced environment. I love to exercise, so I made a commitment to take the time to make that happen. Every morning, I get up at 4:30 to fit exercise into my schedule. I have been running with the same group of friends for 20 years.”
Fifty Most Influential Women in Arizona Business – Every year in its July/August issue Arizona Business Magazine features 50 women who make an impact on Arizona business. To see the full list, read the digital issue >>