It seems to be the topic of many conversations these days. But what is civil discourse, and how can we achieve it? More importantly, why has the call become increasingly louder for a concerted effort to find a different way of electing our leaders, solving our problems and interfacing with each other?

What is Civil Discourse

Civil discourse is our ability to have conversation on topics about which we disagree and to listen to each other’s perspectives. Civil discourse requires respect of the other participants and an appreciation for others’ experiences.

To advance society and improve the quality of life in Arizona, we must be prepared to discuss important, yet potentially contentious issues, such as growth, transportation, healthcare and education. Our democracy is dependent upon responsible residents that can, and will, wrestle with these tough issues, without partisanship, while maintaining respect for the need to hear, understand and take into account different viewpoints.

Join the Discussion

An interactive panel of local experts will be discussing civil discourse, what it is and why it’s important at Valley Forward’s luncheon on Wednesday, Jan. 25 at the Tempe Mission Palms Hotel.

Panelists include Paul Johnson, former Mayor of the city of Phoenix and manager of Southwest Next Capital Management; Chuck Coughlin, president of HighGround Public Affairs; and Steve Rizley, senior vice president and general manager of Cox Communications. Tarah Jackson, president of Arizona Town Hall will serve as moderator.

These speakers will be engaging attendees in a conversation on civil discourse, the shifting of politics in Arizona, consensus building and regional thinking. It’s especially important in this presidential election year, which also marks Arizona’s centennial celebration and the 50th anniversary of Arizona Town Hall. Come hear for yourself why listening to others’ opinions is so integral in our society.

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