Better Business Bureau Foundation is asking for the public’s help in nominating companies to honor at its 15th Annual Torch Awards for Ethics (formerly BBB Business Ethics Awards). Nominations will be accepted through Friday, December 4, 2015. To nominate a company, visit and click on the “Nominate a Business/Charity” link.
Over the years, BBB has honored more than 200 Arizona companies that consistently uphold BBB’s vision of building marketplace trust through ethical business practices. Several Arizona companies have also been recognized internationally for their ethics.
“We are looking for companies that not only display ethical practices with consumers and employees, but also ‘light the way’ and promote ethical behavior in their industry,” said Dory Gosar, BBB Foundation Director. “The public’s voice plays an important part in identifying potential companies for this award, as they are the ones experiencing first-hand the true impact of what an ethical company can offer.”
BBB Accredited and non-accredited businesses displaying consistent ethical business practices can be nominated, and those meeting minimum entry criteria will be invited to complete a formal application. Selected by an independent panel, winners will be announced at the awards ceremony next year on Wednesday, April 6, 2016.