For local real estate agents, publicity isn’t vain or self-serving – it’s the key to becoming a go-to expert in your community. Without it, you don’t stand a chance in a competitive marketplace that’s full of hundreds (if not thousands) of other agents promising people similar things. 

But where do you start?

1. Publish ‘Modern Day’ Press Releases

Rewind 25 or 30 years, and writing a press release was a big deal. News publications and media members would use incoming press releases to shape which stories they would cover and what important information to bring to their readers/viewers.

Fast forward to today and nobody reads old school press releases – they’re more of a formality than anything else. And while you probably shouldn’t waste a lot of your time writing and publishing a traditional press release, there are “modern” versions.

The modern version of the press release is finding publishers and websites where you can write “guest blog posts” and/or be featured in their articles as an expert voice in the real estate niche.

Developing relationships with local journalists and influential bloggers can lead to coverage that showcases your expertise and properties. If you do it consistently enough, people will start to recognize you as an authority in your niche.

Be proactive in reaching out with story ideas, especially those related to real estate trends or local developments. Position yourself as a knowledgeable source for real estate stories and actively participate in community discussions, both online and offline. This not only enhances your visibility but also fosters trust and recognition.

2. Build a Digital Presence

A strong online presence is non-negotiable. This means digital marketing strategies, including social media engagement, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO), are crucial to your ability to stand out. 

Social media platforms allow you to showcase your listings. They also give you a highly-visible place to share insights into the real estate market and engage with people in a more relaxed and personal manner. 

Meanwhile, content marketing – which includes blogging and producing original content – attracts and retains a clearly-defined audience by appealing to the specific needs, questions, desires, and hesitations they have. 

Finally, search engine optimization (SEO) enhances your visibility in local search results, making it easier for potential clients to find you when they’re searching for real estate options in your area. SEO is a highly-technical area of digital marketing, so this isn’t necessarily something you’ll want to DIY. Hiring an expert SEO to build and execute a strategy that aligns with current search best practices is the right move here.

If you have no experience or skill in digital marketing or building an online presence, you may benefit from surrounding yourself with people and resources who do. The HouseJet Local Expert Agent program is widely considered to be one of the best for real estate agents who want to carve out the kind of authority that results in more publicity and listings.

3. Find Local Partners

Leveraging local events and sponsorships offers a unique opportunity to connect with the community directly. Involvement in local activities, whether through participation or sponsorship, showcases your commitment beyond business transactions. It’s about being part of the community’s fabric, contributing to its growth and well-being. 

Hosting real estate workshops or seminars can also be beneficial. These events position you as an expert, while also providing a platform to share knowledge, interact with potential clients, and build a reputation as someone who knows what they’re talking about.

4. Build Your Personal Brand

In a lot of career fields, you can sort of work behind the scenes and rise the ranks through discipline, hard work, and consistency. But in real estate, you can’t sit back and blend in. To be highly successful, you need a personal brand.

Your personal brand should reflect who you are, what you stand for, and the unique value you bring to the real estate market. This branding extends beyond visual elements like logos and business cards to how you communicate and interact with clients and the community. (In other words, there should be very specific ways you speak and explain things – a recognizable way of interacting with others.)

Part of building your personal brand is investing in networking, both in-person and online. This will open doors to new relationships, referrals, and partnerships. As you network, you’re basically creating a web of connections. At any point, one of the strings of this web could help connect you to someone or something else.

Adding it All Up

If you want healthy publicity as a real estate agent, it starts with putting yourself out there. No agent has ever magically gained a ton of good publicity while trying to blend in. 

This doesn’t mean you have to be someone you’re not – it just means you have to lean into your personality and goals with a bit more strategy.