As per OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, roofers, construction workers, and electricians have the most dangerous jobs in the world. On top of that, working in Australia, you must never take safety for granted. Equipment like brick elevator saves time and attracts efficiency but still being careful is what you can do!

Working above ground level is not everybody’s cup of tea. However, people with expertise can work at a height effortlessly. Still, there are unusual accidents awaiting you.

If you are an electrician, a roofer, or a construction worker in Australia, you must always avoid these seven mistakes. You should never become reckless and be a victim of your negligence.

Not Having a proper Safety Harness.

When working on a construction site in Australia, you and your colleagues are used to the risk of injury and serious accidents. Moreover, if you are an electrician or a roofer, you must take safety measures of working at extreme heights, especially while using a ladder lift.

The essential safety equipment for you should be a safety harness. Although construction workers generally get provided with PPE or personal protective equipment. But you must keep them checked before every work. Also, consult your manager to give you the best safety harness bunnings from Conveying and Hoisting Solutions. They are the most reputed brand for all safety tools and equipment in Australia.

If you are an independent electrician or a roofer, a safety harness for roofing should always be on your backpack. Please remember to change your safety harness every 5-6 months to guarantee the utmost protection.

Inadequate Site Knowledge

People face additional problems while working on the hoists construction due to less knowledge. All construction workers must undergo proper safety training before any construction project. It eliminates all elementary mistakes and brings safety and comfort to workers on the job site. Thousands of construction workers are working in Australia to meet the ever-increasing demand. However, as recent surveys suggest, many are facing fatal accidents due to the lack of site knowledge, approx 37% to be precise, by 30th June 2022.

Whether you are a roofer, working at a construction site, or an electrician, always know what you will deal with. Due to the hot weather and frequently changing weather conditions, improper site knowledge and insufficient site training in Australia can lead to severe injuries. So, enlightening yourself with the knowledge of the site you will be working on can single-handedly eliminate a high-risk factor.

Working Under Scorching Heat

Summers in Australia, with frequent heatwaves, take a toll on the health of many people. Workers exposed to hot and humid environments, such as construction workers, landscapers, roofers, and farmers who spend time outdoors, are at risk of heat stroke. But don’t freak out, as understanding how to take safety precautions can significantly lower the risk of heat strokes.

To begin with, you must wear protective clothing so that your body can keep cool in the scorching heat. Moreover, staying hydrated and taking optimum breaks during your shift is the key to working efficiently. And last but not least, sunscreen is nothing less important than a roofer safety harness. You must ensure that you are protecting your body entirely before climbing up the ladder and working. If the heat seems unbearable, change your shift and begin working after sunset.

Not Having A Proper Risk Management System

Risk management is something every worker should have a clear idea of. When building a roof with many materials, you need in-depth knowledge about what can cause harm. The height is always the most crucial aspect to keep in mind. Besides that, the roofing materials, your movements, an emergency response team, and fantastic fall protection should always be on your checklist.

Proper analysis of previous accidents is necessary for construction workers and outdoor electricians. This way, you will not only be able to keep possible accidents at bay but also become more confident to do your job perfectly.

Bad Scaffolding Use and Ladder Misuse

Scaffolding can be dangerous for construction workers if not used correctly. Scaffolding accidents, whether fall or collapse, are common on construction sites in Australia. Plus, The risk will increase if the ladder is not securely fastened or has no structural damage. The ladder you are using should be in good condition and must be free of slippery materials on the surface that will cause it to slip or fall.

As a precaution, you must wear safety harness bunnings to protect yourself. Also, proper training in scaffolding is necessary, as OSHA guidelines prescribe.

Like scaffolding issues, inadequate fall protection around the scaffold, ladder, or other high places can lead to more severe injuries and death from falls. To prevent that, you must check the structural integrity of the surface, use safety nets and guardrails and wear all personal protective equipment.

Lack of Head Protection

It is a surprise that many construction workers need to start working without the necessary tools and equipment. It is especially true when changing shifts or working in different areas. But equipment like roofer safety harnesses and hard protective hats should always be on you.

Failure to wear the required head protection while working in a construction area can result in Traumatic Brain Injury. It can also cause death from head injuries caused by falling objects or electric shock. So, your head protection should include hard hats in good condition without any dents or cracks. Additionally, you need to replace it in case of an impact or power failure.

Badly Constructed Trenches

Although among the most common tasks at construction sites, unguarded or poorly maintained trenches cause many injuries and deaths yearly. You must avoid several majorly unsafe trench conditions, such as unsecured walls, lack of trench box and shielding, and lack of slope.

Similarly, ensuring plenty of barriers around the shaft is necessary to protect machinery and workers from several hazards. Accidents are a common problem in trenches. So it requires you and your colleagues to take extra safety precautions on-site.

Wrapping Up

Despite employers providing you with necessary safety equipment, you must remember that your safety is in your hands. So, invest in high-quality safety harnesses, head protective hats, and other safety tools available at Conveying and Hoisting Solutions. And work more efficiently, leaving behind the worry of outdoor dangers and hazards in Australia.