The International Interior Design Association is the only worldwide design organization that solely focuses on commercial work. It has more than 13,000 members in 33 chapters around the globe, including the IIDA Southwest Chapter. Annually, IIDA’s major events include the PRIDE Awards, recognizing excellence in interior design projects; the UnVeiled trade show; a charity build day in Albuquerque; and the Masquerade Ball in Tucson. Biennially, the chapter holds Couture, a fashion show using unconventional building materials, or Connect4, a charity build day in all four City Centers.
Here are the winner of the 2016 PRIDE Awards:

BEST OF SHOW: The judges who looked at the Southland Industries Tenant Improvement project commented that, “The space celebrates being an engineer, clear design intent, clean and consistent theme. The design is bold but yet simple, easy to understand, graphics were well used, inviting, nice place to work, great textures and plan arrangement.”

EDUCATION AWARD OF MERIT: The Environmental and Natural Resources Building II at the University of Arizona borrows from the iconic imagery of the region; striking landforms of canyon and mesa, the dramatic play of light, shade and shadow, the painted sky of sunsets and the desert monsoons, highly adapted flora and fauna, natural sequences and systems, with purpose and fundamental response to the site and setting.

DESIGN EXCELLENCE: Gould Evans earned a Design Excellence Award for its 521 S. 3rd Street Studio renovation. The 521 Studio is located in the heart of Phoenix’s downtown warehouse district within an historic paper distribution building. Renovations sought to maintain the building’s integrity and gritty vibe while creating an open and collaborative working environment with breakout areas for small meetings.

INFLUENTIAL WOMAN: IIDA’s Lifetime Achievement Award went to Beth Harmon-Vaughan, whoch brings more than 30 years of experience to her role as managing director of Gensler in Phoenix. She serves on the Taliesin West Board of Stewards for the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, is a committee member for the Phoenix Community Alliance and an adjunct professor at ASU.
Below is a list of more IIDA’s PRIDE Award recipients:
Industry Appreciation: Andy Green, Tarkett
Outstanding Service: Kai Ekbundit
Partner of the Year: Emser
Student Award of Merit: Pollination Station, Travis Bradley, Yubailu Cao, Dani Kachorsky, Jennifer Cox
IIDASW Chapter Graduate Award: Lauren Copeland, Arizona State University
Lifetime Achievement Award: Beth Harmon-Vaughan
Education Awards of Merit: Environment + Natural Resources Building 2, University of Arizona, richärd+bauer; Science + Health Building, richärd+bauer
Education Design Excellence Award: Saint Xavier University, SmithGroupJJR
Healthcare Award of Merit: Tulsa Cancer Institute, Gensler
Commercial Office Under 10,000SF Design Excellence Awards: 521 S. 3rd Street Studio Renovation, Gould Evans; Cresa Remodel and Expansion, SmithGroupJJR
Commercial Office 10,000 SF-25,000 SF Award of Merit: Alliance Financial, DAVIS
Commercial Office 10,000 SF-25,000 SF Design Excellence Award: Southland Industries Tenant Improvement, SmithGroupJJR
Commercial Office Over 25,000 Awards of Merit: DriveTime Headquarters, Phoenix Design One; Marina Heights Building D – Confidential Tenant, DAVIS; Sprouts Farmers Market Corporate Headquarters, RSP Architects
Single Space Awards of Merit: Anchor Centre Lounge, Phoenix Design One; R-Tech Lobby, Evolution Design, Inc.
Single Space Design Excellence Award: Lew Wolff Training Complex Entry, Gensler
Hospitality, Retail and Restaurant Awards of Merit: Republic Services, SmithGroupJJR; The Alameda Renovation, Gensler
Hospitality, Retail and Restaurant Design Excellence Award: Beacom Institute of Technology Dakota State University, SmithGroupJJR
Best of Show: Southland Industries Tenant Improvement, SmithGroupJJR