Are you getting sick of apartment life? Sure it has its upsides but listening to your neighbor blaring music at 1:00 a.m. through paper-thin walls is enough to drive anyone crazy. Plus, it may even be better to buy than to rent in your city.
If you’re ready to buy your first home, you may be feeling a little nervous about what’s in store. After all, being a homeowner is a lot of work.
Luckily, we’re here to help! Keep reading to discover our tips for transitioning out of renting for the first time home buyer.
Plan for More Upkeep
Perhaps the biggest change you’ll face when buying a home is the increased upkeep — and it all starts before you even get settled in your new home.
You’ll have to give your apartment a good deep cleaning before you return your key. If you skip this, your landlord will probably overcharge you to get someone in to clean. Websites like can help you decide if it’s better to hire your own cleaning company or let your landlord do it.
Once you’re in your new house, you’ll have to worry about cleaning a bigger area, keeping up with lawn care, and fixing anything that breaks down. So, make sure you’re prepared to spend a little extra time (and money) on upkeep.
Think Long Term
When you went shopping for apartments, you only needed to find a place that was “good enough for the next year.” Once the lease was up, you could feel free to move again.
But, buying and selling a home is a huge hassle. When you’re shopping for a new home, you’ll want to think about the long term. Ask yourself if this house will be good to raise a family in or big enough for that German Shepard you’ve always wanted.
While this house certainly doesn’t have to be your last house (and it most likely won’t), you’ll want to ensure it lines up with your plans for the next few years.
Know What the Inspection Covers
Getting potential homes inspected before you buy them is home buying 101. But did you know not all inspections are the same?
Make sure you understand what your inspection covers because it doesn’t always include checking for things like pests, mold, and radon. Of course, you’ll want to choose an inspection that covers these things, so shop around before settling on a company.
You’ll also want to make sure your contractor will have access to every part of the house, including the attic and crawl spaces.
Since this is such an important step, you may want to attend the inspection. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to ask them to check or recheck something. You don’t want to end up buying a home with a bunch of problems.
Tips for the First-Time Home Buyer
Moving into your first house is exciting, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. But, you can make the transition easier by following our guide for the first time home buyer.
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