Real estate is one of the top long-term investments you can make to build wealth and round out your portfolio. Properties have value as assets through equity. You can also create wealth through passive income by renting properties.

A mistake many investors make is limiting their gaze to the United States. Learning how to use market research tools to find online insights can help you find prime opportunities for investment abroad. Real estate market trends are ideal for pinpointing the best opportunities and adding assets abroad.

Knowing where and how to begin with global property analysis to find these opportunities is the challenge. Continue reading this guide for the best property investment tips to understand and discover opportunities in the global real estate market today!

What Is Global Real Estate?

Global real estate includes residential and commercial properties worldwide that provide value to your portfolio. The properties can serve a wide range of purposes, though the ultimate goal is to use the properties to increase wealth.

There are several sectors to consider when seeking online insights into the global real estate industry. Here’s a look at each sector to focus on with your market research tools.

1. Residential Real Estate

Residential real estate focuses on single-family homes and apartment buildings. These properties can potentially provide passive income through short- and long-term rentals.

Through these properties, you can also build equity, which you can use to finance future investments in the global real estate market. Consider these options if you also want access to beautiful properties for vacations.

2. Commercial Real Estate

Another option worth considering when following real estate market trends is the commercial real estate market. Most commercial real estate properties are office buildings and spaces. You can purchase and lease offices to companies seeking space to house their employees.

3. Hotel and Retail Real Estate

Hotels are a substantial money maker when building your real estate portfolio. Finding hotels abroad can help you build wealth due to tourists visiting their favorite destinations.

Retail is another popular option for international investors. Look for properties in regions with high tourist numbers. It’s the best way to make money and cover your mortgage expenses.

4. Industrial Real Estate

Industrial real estate can come at a higher price, but it’s an excellent addition to protect your wealth against inflation. Most industrial real estate properties include manufacturing plants, factories, and mines.

5. Logistics Real Estate

Logistics real estate covers warehouses, ports, and distribution centers. You can lease space in your warehouse to shipping companies and other businesses. It’s an effective way to earn money through investment when you purchase a warehouse or logistics center in a large port city.

Who Participates in the Global Real Estate Market?

Many investors in global real estate are large corporations with the working capital to make sizable purchases. When expanding operations to new markets, these companies must also acquire office space and warehouses.

You can also work with Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) to invest in global real estate. The trusts scale and diversify investments in critical locations and cities.

Private citizens can also make investments in global real estate. You can use resources like Ziti to gain online insights on the best markets to invest in. You can expand your portfolio to include international properties to hedge against inflation and economic downturns.

Where to Find Online Insights

Finding the proper resources to gain online insights into global real estate can be challenging, but diligence can lead you in the right direction. Government sources and websites are trustworthy options for beginning your analysis.

Check these websites to monitor the housing market in countries and cities that appeal to you. You can track the changes and look for the optimal time to make a purchase.

Online listing services are another valuable resource when seeking online insights. Websites like Zillow, Trulia, and Realtor can offer a closer look at property values abroad.

Essential Data for Global Property Analysis

It’s vital to know the essential data when exploring investment opportunities abroad. A basic understanding of the concepts can help you identify the best properties and get approved to make an offer. Read on for the data you can use to monitor real estate market trends.

Days on the Market

The days spent on the local real estate market can give several insights into the property you’re considering. It’s an excellent way to determine the status of an individual property that stands out to you. A property that has spent several months on the real estate market is a red flag.

You can also use days on the market to gain a clearer perspective of the real estate market in that region. Those insights are vital to pair with your market research tools to find the best deals.

Rental Prices

When exploring options for residential and commercial real estate abroad, it’s vital to check the rental prices in the region. The rent you charge should be based on the value of the home or building.

It’s also helpful to check rental costs for similar homes or office spaces in the city or region. You can use those numbers to determine a fair monthly rent to charge potential tenants.

When checking rent and determining your charge, include costs for repairs and maintenance. It is also vital to monitor local economic conditions.

Market Numbers

You can learn much about the real estate market by diving into the essential numbers to gain online insights. Existing home sales can give you an idea of how many homes are selling, the median sale price, and annual inventory changes.

The pending home sales index is also invaluable for global property analysis. You can use that data to form quarterly forecasts for your target real estate market.

Consider working with a local real estate agent to gain an accurate picture of investing abroad. The agent can provide tips and insights to help you find the ideal property for your portfolio. 

Steps for Online Real Estate Data Insights

Real estate data insights can give you a significant advantage over other investors. You can use the data to find prime investment opportunities to build wealth.

Take a closer look at the steps to follow when purchasing global real estate and where to begin your analysis.

1. Dive Into the Broader Market

The best way to find the ideal market for your investment is to research its history. The area’s history can help you prepare for future changes.

Your online research can help you gain insights and find contacts in the region with knowledge and expertise to aid you. Real estate agents and other investors can complement the online insights you discover to provide the total picture of the real estate market.

Online research can help you discover zoning regulations and potential changes to be aware of. The insights will help you forecast any possible changes to property values, helping you get the best deals.

2. Study Historic Trends and Data

The data you collect from a global property analysis is essential to understand what you’re purchasing and what to expect in the coming years. Public records you can access online are a fantastic starting point when you begin the early stages of your research for the ideal market.

It’s also an effective way to monitor price increases and decreases and identify potential patterns. Use public records to determine mortgage payments and interest rates. Thanks mainly to market research tools, you’ll understand what you can afford when investing.

3. Research Amenities and Neighborhoods

Your real estate data insights should also focus on the neighborhoods and amenities available in the city or region you’re considering for your next investment. Knowing what sells and what doesn’t can give you an advantage over other investors.

It’s also a way to gain online insights into the properties potential renters seek in the region. Amenities like laundry units and hardwood flooring can appeal to more renters, helping you generate more passive income.

These features can make your properties abroad more appealing. The best way to gain this edge is to conduct market research to identify your target audience’s wants.

Consider your target audience when shopping for global real estate. Consider a single-story home if you’re purchasing one in an area with many older expats. Carpet flooring is better than hardwood flooring for families with young children.

4. Monitor Economic Shifts

It’s beneficial to monitor economic shifts in the desired market you’re shopping in. Focusing on the economic history with your global property analysis can help you prepare for the future and know what to expect.

Take a look at the areas on which to focus your market research.


The employment statistics in the region can help you gain new insights into economic performance. Look for a rise in successful local businesses and other employment developments.

A company that employs many individuals in the region could close, harming the economy. The former employees will have less disposable income to cover rent costs. Failure to recognize this issue could result in a lack of passive income from your investment.

If a new company comes to town and brings more jobs, you can anticipate your property value rising. It’s also a sign that you can begin raising rent to match what individuals and families earn in the area.

Mortgage Rates

If you’re financing your investment in global real estate, it’s vital to monitor mortgage rates in the region. Shifting interest rates can wreak havoc on a real estate market.

The rates determine what you can afford and affect what you’ll pay each month. You’ll need to generate enough rental income from the property to cover the monthly mortgage payment. Find a balance between changing rates and what you can afford.


Monitor the national economy when preparing to enter the global real estate sector. Gaining online insights can provide economic data to help you make an informed decision. A recession can result in unemployment and reduced construction.

5. Measure Demand

Understanding the market demand is essential to determine if you’ve found the ideal market and property to invest in. An influx of companies needing office space can show that you’re ready to invest in an office building.

Investing in a residential or commercial property where there is no demand can result in a significant loss. Taking time to gain online insights about market demand can guide you toward a lucrative market.

6. Monitor Comparable Properties

After identifying what you want to purchase, it’s wise to monitor similar properties. You can see what they sell for and watch how the new owner uses them.

These insights can help you generate new ideas about what to invest in and how to use them to build wealth. It’s a simple way to use market research tools to help you get the best deal on your new property.

7. Understand Your Offer

When you’ve found the perfect property, you’ll need to use your online insights to understand your offer. Working with a local real estate agent can help you make a suitable offer.

Monitor the market to determine if it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market. In a seller’s market, you may be forced to pay what the seller lists the property for. It’s best to wait for a buyer’s market to get the best value for your money.

Use your global property analysis and data to identify stable market conditions. Stability indicates that you’re primed to purchase and add to your portfolio. Have your local real estate agent check the property’s structure to identify potential issues.

Use Online Insights to Purchase Global Real Estate

Online insights are invaluable when preparing to venture into global real estate. It’s critical to check the number of days a property has been on the market and the mortgage rates in the region.

Study historical trends for property pricing and employment and consider the amenities tenants can access. Monitoring economic shifts to get the best deal and generate passive income is also essential.

Owning a property abroad can enhance your lifestyle and allow you to enjoy a different climate and culture. Read more of our Lifestyle content for inspiration and guidance to add to your life investment portfolio today!