More techies are working in Arizona. The state’s technology sector added an estimated 2,545 new jobs last year, according to a recent report based on an analysis of data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, EMSI, and other sources.
Technology association CompTIA released Cyberstates 2017‘s analysis of the number of technology jobs in the country on Monday. The report found that Arizona ranks 18th nationally for tech industry employment.
The tech sector in Arizona accounts for an estimated 8.6 percent ($25.1 billion) of the state’s economy, according to the analysis.
“CompTIA’s annual Cyberstates report validates Arizona’s reputation as an emerging leader in technology,” said Steve Zylstra, president and CEO, Arizona Technology Council. “Our state’s advocates and leaders have worked hard to create opportunities, which have resulted in us moving up in the national ranks for innovation, technology talent growth, wages, and more.”
The average wage for an Arizona technology industry worker was estimated at $97,400 in 2016. That is 103 percent higher than the average state wage, which is at $48,000, according to the report.
The report also found:
- Arizona ranks 14th among all states in the Cyberstates 2017 Innovation Score, which is based on an analysis of new tech patents, tech startups and new tech business establishments on a per capita basis.
- The state is home to an estimated 8,618 tech business establishments. The majority of these establishments (5,871) are in the Phoenix metropolitan area.
- The tech industry employs an estimated 5.3 percent of the overall state workforce.
- Leading tech occupations include computer systems analysts (16,240), application software developers (15,250) and computer user support specialists (13,530).
- The strongest year-over-year job growth occurred in the categories of computer systems design and IT services (+ 9.2 percent), space and defense systems manufacturing (+ 3.2 percent) and telecommunications services (+ 2.2 percent).
- Employers posted an estimated 13,237 job openings for tech occupations in Q4 2016, with some 10,600 of these openings in the Phoenix metro area.