When you’re selling products online, the bottom line for your business is generating interest, clicks, impressions, and sales. You want to increase your market share by being seen by more shoppers, and you know that you’re competing against hundreds of similar companies for the eyeballs and the cash of consumers. In this article, we’ll look at how you can improve your performance to make the coming year as successful as possible for your brand. Read on to learn how to adjust your approach to boost your performance in 2023.

External Help

Firms that are struggling to reach a higher level of sales would do well to consider what a marketing agency can bring to their efforts. By partnering with an eCommerce agency, your brand will not only be able to benefit from their years of experience in the field, but you’ll also be able to learn how they go about boosting your sales. That means that a partnership that takes place for three months in 2023 could help define your internal strategy for the remaining nine months, showing you some of the ways in which you’re missing out on generating new business for your firm.


One of the things that have been top-of-mind for many consumers in the past year or two has been the price of the products they’re purchasing. With a cost-of-living crisis well underway and an inflation crisis running alongside it, there are many consumers who have decided to draw in their purse strings and live a little more frugally in 2023. It’s up to you to offer prices for your products or services that are as low as possible, enticing customers to believe they’re getting a fantastic deal with your firm. This could serve to draw a huge number of customers to your brand.

Repeat Custom

Whether you’re selling fashion items or digital accessories, there are thousands of products that people purchase every day that they may well wish to purchase again in the near future. These constitute hotbeds for return and repeat custom, which can often serve as a relatively large portion of your overall sales generation in 2023. If you can do more to encourage repeat custom by offering discounts and vouchers over email to your existing customers, you should certainly consider it. It’ll help you drum up that extra bit of business next year.


Finally, marketing is an important step if you’re looking to tech into new markets, be they in different countries and jurisdictions or simply across different interest groups and demographics. To get seen by a new cohort of customers, you should be creative in your marketing output and where you publish marketing materials. For instance, it may well be worth advertising on new social media platforms, such as TikTok, or popular ones, such as Instagram, to harness the purchasing power of young people who may be interested in products like yours.

There are dozens of ways to generate more sales in 2023, but the four tips outlined above may well provide you with a base to expand in the coming year.