Mobile phone social networking apps are great. I can tune out the boring parts of my day (like school, work, driving, etc.) by just playing around on Facebook. The best part is that it makes me look like I’m busy sending important messages, so no one ever bothers me.
Unfortunately, going on the same sites over and over again can get a little dull. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been wondering what happens when Facebook mobile and Twitter are no longer enough to keep you entertained.
Luckily, I found five more social networking apps you can use when you want to look busy and/or avoid talking to people at work:
Do you enjoying receiving ads over text-message? If so, then you’re really going to like this site. Broadtexter allows users to send mass numbers of text messages/pictures in just a few clicks.
“Broadcasters” can create mobile clubs, which fans of the broadcaster can then join. Fans will then be able to receive alerts (ads), share photos and even chat with the broadcaster. Using Broadtexter could be a great way for musicians or meretricious club promoters to engage with their fans.
Ever wonder what happened to your hometown acquaintances that used MySpace and never graduated from high school? Well, most of them are probably on
MocoSpace is like the terrible love-child of a cheap dating website and Facebook games.
Members can message, instant-chat and play games with other random people on the site. If you are so inclined, you can download the MocoSpace app for your smartphone — allowing you to play poorly designed games on-the-go.
There are several steps one must follow in order to create an authentic profile on MocoSpace:
Guys: In your profile picture, you should be shirtless or showing off your abs. It helps to have lots of tattoos. All pictures should be self-portraits taken on your camera phone — preferably in the bathroom. Make sure the background on your profile page is extremely cluttered and gaudy. Overproduced, autotuned rap music should also be playing on your profile. All your “friends” on MocoSpace must be female.
Girls: Just like guys, your profile picture should be a cell phone pic taken in the bathroom. Pictures should be taken from an overhead angle. For extra points, add flashy hearts or glowing lipstick kisses to your profile picture; or, include an image of the child you had out of wedlock. For your profile page, follow the same rules as the guys – just make sure you include lots of pink.
Everyone: The use of proper grammar is a major faux pas on MocoSpace. BUT IF U TYPE LIKE DIS BB U WILL HAVE FRIENDS ON MOMOSPACE 4EVR!!! <3 I SHOULD HAVE SAID 5EVR B/C DATS LONGER DAN 4EVR!! ; )
MobiLuck is a location-based social networking site. MobiLuck members use their phones to sign-into places, search for activities and message friends that are nearby. It’s the alternative for people who don’t want to use Foursquare, Facebook Places, Google Places, or Microsoft’s “We’re In” app.
The alternative for people who don’t want to use Foursquare, Facebook Places, Google Places, Microsoft’s “We’re In” app, or BrightKite also has “group chat.”
Online dating can be difficult. You have to sift through hundreds of profiles to find someone who you like. You then have to send an awkward first message, and hope the person writes you back. If you happen to get a response, you must continue to banter online for a few days/weeks before you can even get a first date. That’s a lot of work. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just walk over to a person, strike up a conversation, and then ask him/her out?
Mobile matchmaker, meetMoi, (almost) lets you do this. After signing up for the site, you update your location using your mobile phone. Users then get alerts when other meetMoi members are in their general proximity. If you like who you see, you can chat, send a wink, or even meet up in person!
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Relevant Questions
How did you communicate/express yourself before mobile phone social networking apps? Is writing a handwritten letter as terrible as I imagine?
How many social networks do I have to join before I am “fulfilled” as a person? Will signing up for meetMoi help erase the emptiness that I feel inside?
Were you unable to get a job when you graduated college? Do you regret the fact that you got a liberal arts degree and are now unemployed and in debt? Does looking at the people on make you feel better about yourself?