When it comes to a new startup, the survival rate is pretty low. That’s because not everyone knows what it takes to keep their startup afloat, unprepared for the hurdles that are about to come their way. Here are the top 10 obstacles most entrepreneurs have to face when starting a new business.

1. Providing Strong Leadership

You have to be able to put in the hard work that’s needed to see things through to the end. But there’s a difference between being a strong leader and being an authoritarian. You need to understand the needs of the people working for you so that everything can work together like a well-oiled machine. Businesstrex may have the advice that you need to get started.

2. Having Well-Defined Goals

If you don’t know what you’re working towards, then you have no idea what kind of strategy to develop to achieve those goals. You can’t cross the finish line if you don’t know where it is or what path you should take to get there.

3. Defining Your Product and Market

Don’t spread your startup too thin; it may seem like a bright idea to be as broad as possible in order to attract as much attention as possible, but that will only confuse people as to what you’re actually selling.

4. Being Able To Thrive In A Competitive Market

Fierce competition is always going to be there, so look at the needs of your customers and how you can meet them in order to stay afloat.

5. Have Sustainable Expectations

Don’t set yourself up to try and cure every problem in the world; focus on one thing your business can achieve and move forward from there. It’s also a good idea to keep your expectations sustainable so that they can be achieved without having to throw a lot of money at one thing.

6. Finding The Right Talent

You’re going to have to exercise a lot of care in who you’re hiring. Examining backgrounds and skill set will provide you with the puzzle pieces you need to put the bigger picture together.

7. Understanding Your Customers

You can’t service your customers properly if you don’t understand what their needs are. You may not sell to everyone, but focus on what people are looking for and find a way to meet those needs.

8. Time Management

The saying is true: there’s really never enough time in the day to get everything done. But if you try to accomplish too much too quickly, you’ll end up burning yourself out and won’t be able to keep moving forward.

9. Budgeting Properly

If you don’t keep a careful eye on your cash flow, you may end up having to declare bankruptcy before you’ve really gotten your startup off the ground.

10. Developing a Brand

This may be one of the most difficult parts of startups to figure out. Developing a personality for your business is hard, so it requires a lot of thought and consideration before you can jump in headfirst.

Some obstacles will be easier than others to deal with, but knowing what you’re getting into beforehand will make the journey that much easier.