Once social distancing is a thing of the past, will you be planning a corporate event and don’t know how to best fit your audience? Here’s how to create optimal seating arrangements for your event.

Attendee satisfaction is vital when it comes to corporate meetings, with 91 percent of all businesses basing the success of their events on this factor alone.

Of course, effective communication plays a massive role in how happy attendees are by the end of your event. That’s why you need to think carefully about seating arrangements soon after you’ve picked a venue.

In today’s post, we’ll discuss some of the best seating styles you can adopt for your event. Read on to learn more.

The Best Seating Arrangements for Events

As you may expect, the type and size of the event you’re hosting can determine what seating arrangement you adopt. Below are some of the options you may want to consider.

Theatre Style

The theatre seating arrangement is one of the simplest you can adopt. It reflects the seating style you find in theaters and cinemas. Chairs are usually arranged in consecutive straight rows.

Among the top advantages of this seating arrangement is that seats face forward towards where the function is taking place. This way, every attendee has a clear view of what is taking place. Also, where the best folding chairs have been used, it’s easy to achieve the maximum seated capacity of the venue.

The theatre seating style is perfect for annual general meetings and product launches.

Classroom Seating Arrangement

This seating style mirrors the same arrangement found in lecture theatres and campus classrooms. Chairs and tables are aligned in straight rows.

Among the positives of the classroom sitting style is that the audience seats facing the front of the function room. Also, attendees can take notes and consume plated foods and beverages.

The classroom seating style is popular for training events, conferences, product launches, and sales kick-offs.

Herringbone Seating Arrangement

The herringbone seating style looks much like the classroom arrangement. The difference is that the consecutive rows of chairs and tables are angled inwards.

There are several advantages to this seating arrangement. First, seats face the podium, so the audience has a good view of everything taking place. Moreover, everyone can take notes or comfortably consume beverages.

The herringbone seating style works best for lectures, training, and conferences.

U-Shape Seating Arrangement

Just like the name suggests, the U-Shape sitting arrangement has seats and chairs configured in the shape of a U. The audience sits facing inwards.

Due to its open-ended style, there’s a focal point that the audience face. The presenter can thus easily approach and engage with all members of the audience. The seating style also enhances the interaction between attendees as members sit facing each other.

The U shape seating style is ideal for conferences, meetings, workshops, and training.

Horse Shoe Seating Arrangement

The horseshoe seating style resembles the U shape style, except there are no tables. Members sit in an open-ended configuration facing inwards.

The benefits of this arrangement are many. For instance, there’s a presentation area, usually at the focal point. Also, it’s very easy for you to engage with individual members of the audience.

This style works best for presentations and large meetings.

Hollow Square Style

This sitting style also looks like the U style. However, there are four sides, and there isn’t any open end. The audience sits facing inwards.

This sitting arrangement is highly effective when it comes to enhancing audience interaction. That’s because all members sit facing each other. An added benefit of this style is that attendees can consume beverages and plated food easily.

If your event will involve a lot of discussions, this is the sitting arrangement you want to adopt.

Boardroom Sitting Style

The boardroom sitting arrangement is a version of the Hollow Square. The difference is that there’s a large table between the chairs. The audience faces inwards.

Like most other seating arrangements we’ve already talked about, the boardroom sitting arrangement boost audience interaction as every member sits facing inwards. This style is ideal for small presentations, interviews, and team briefings.

Banquet Arrangement

The banquet arrangement is a conference-style seating that resembles a round dining table. The audience sits around the circumference of the table facing inwards.

As you’d expect, this arrangement enhances audience interaction as members can see each other. The arrangement is popular for awards events, gala dinners, weddings, and Christmas parties.

Cabaret Seating Style

The cabaret seating style almost looks similar to the banquet arrangement. The only difference is that there’s an open end. The audience sits in an arc and faces forwards.

Because of the open end, the cabaret seating arrangement allows for a presentation area.  This arrangement works best for training sessions, gala dinners, and awards nights.

Cocktail Arrangement

Unlike all other styles on this list, the cocktail arrangement does not have chairs or tables. The audience stands during the presentation.

This arrangement allows for the most efficient floor space, accommodating as many people as possible. And since members are free to roam around and freely mingle, this style significantly enhances audience interaction.

The cocktail style is most popular for weddings, cocktail parties, and other social events.

The Lounge Zone Seating Style

This seating style is fairly recent. It aims at encouraging networking and promoting the formal vibe. The arrangement incorporates chairs, sofas, ottomans, coffee tables, and bar tables on the venue for a creative and relaxing appearance.

The lounge zone seating arrangement is highly effective when it comes to boosting interaction and maximizing comfort. When you have a large venue, this seating style can help you create a sense of space. You can decide which furnishings best complement the theme of your event.

Choose the Ideal Seating Style for Your Event

Regardless of the type of event you’re looking to host in your company, choosing the right seating style can make a huge difference.

Keep in mind that different seating arrangements affect your ability to communicate differently. Opt for styles that help optimize the impact of your message.

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