The USA criminal law is complex, with different types encompassing different offenses and components. For instance, there is the Actus Reus which is the actual criminal act committed by the defendant, and the Mens Rea, which is the defendant’s mental state at the time of the crime. Others include causation and harm. Still, federal and state laws vary by jurisdiction. This complexity calls for a better understanding of these laws, their consequences, and why you need an experienced attorney like a San Antonio criminal lawyer to represent you when accused. These laws include:

Felony Law

This type of criminal law covers serious offences, including but not limited to robbery, murder, and drug trafficking. The consequences vary depending on liability and magnitude. The conviction for a felony can be lengthy if found guilty. You might be required to pay hefty fines in some cases. Effects of such convictions lead to loss of civil rights like serving on a jury, voting, or owning a firearm. You might also find it challenging to obtain a house due to a felony conviction.

Misdemeanor Law

A misdemeanor is a branch of criminal law that covers less severe crimes. Some of the crimes categorized as misdemeanors include and aren’t limited to disorderly conduct, assault, and petty theft. The consequences of breaking misdemeanor law include probation, fines, and community service. You might face imprisonment for not more than a year in some cases. The effects vary as being convicted for a misdemeanor can lead to deportation for a non-citizen, negative impact on employment, and challenge finding suitable housing.

White-Collar Crime Law

This refers to laws covering financial crimes that white-collar office employees commit. Some crimes include fraud, insider trading, embezzlement, and money laundering. Committing these crimes can lead to probation, fines, or community service. However, severe cases attract imprisonment with effects such as assets forfeiture, lawsuits, civil penalties, and tarnished reputation. If you are a licensed service provider, you might lose your license causing long-term effects.

Juvenile Law

Juvenile law deals with criminal offenders who are under 18 years or those with delinquent behavior. Unlike other criminal laws, this legal system focuses on rehabilitation. Nevertheless, the offender can get counseling, community service, or house arrest. The judge might recommend electronic monitoring if the behavior comes from overusing electronics. Severe cases call for restitution and fines.

Cybercrime Law

This refers to rules and regulations to curb illegal online activities such as identity theft, cyberbullying, and hacking, among others. Violating any crimes may lead to fines, jail time, or both depending on the severity and the effects on those affected. Effects of violating this law include tainted criminal records, loss of reputation, financial loss, and restraining orders. You can also be deported if you are an immigrant.

Traffic Law

This refers to local or state laws and regulations to ensure public road users’ safety. It also covers the orderly movement of cars on the roads, and it does so through traffic signals, speed limits, and lane usage. Driving under the Influence (DUI) also falls under this law. Breaking any of them can lead to license suspension, fines, or jail time, which can have long-term effects on your records. The complexity of USA criminal law calls for representation when you are accused. The best legal counsel you can get is like that from a San Antonio criminal lawyer, as they understand the legal system well. Failure