Recent Grand Canyon University graduates Brad Scruggs, Brian Scruggs, and Ahmad Saleem won $11,000 in the fourth annual Canyon Challenge for their software application Joblyt.
Joblyt is a software application that connects people who need to get jobs done and those who are looking for work. Users can post a job that needs to be completed or hunt for jobs to complete.
Saleem brought the idea up when he was sitting in his living room and needed something to be moved. He wondered if there was an app for that, and, thus, Joblyt was born.
The app does not employ workers; rather, it creates a platform that connects users to get tasks done. The aim looks to match people to complete tasks such as helping move, tutoring, or anything else.
Users are able to message the poster and inquire more. They can also indicate interest via the app.
The team worked on the idea for six months total with three months in development.
The three were biology majors at Grand Canyon, so they hired a team to help build the app.
As far as the Canyon Challenge, they heard about the excursion from a Grand Canyon executive. The group told Professor Tim Kelley about their idea and he invited them to sign up for the contest.
The Canyon Challenge is GCU’s entrepreneurship challenge that invites aspiring entrepreneurs to participate in a competition similar to ABC TV’s “Shark Tank.”
This year, 79 ideas were entered into the competition. The field was later narrowed to five for the final judging on March 24.
Each group had ten minutes to present their idea.
“It wasn’t as nerve racking as I thought it was going to be, but there was a big audience,” Brad said.
Brad said one of the ways they eased their nerves before their presentation was by taking a selfie on stage with the crowd in the background.
The judging featured a panel of judges from different business backgrounds, such as former president of the Cold Stone Creamery franchise Jerry Colangelo and restaurateur of Postino’s Lauren Bailey. Grand Canyon President and CEO Brian Mueller was also on the panel.
The team came in first place, so they won $7,000. In addition, they won the text-in audience vote as well, which provided them with an additional $4,000.
Following the Canyon Challenge, the group plans to work on the marketing and upkeep of the app.
“It’s like the model of Uber. We’ve seen it be revolutionary with trusting strangers,” Brad said.
The application has been on the available on the Android platform for about a week and a half. It will be available on for iPhones later in the week. In addition, the team is also working to get a website up and running.