Starting on December 4, 2017, Gilbert will be the first community in Arizona to fully implement a streamlined program permitting small wireless facilities in municipal rights-of-way, bringing in the infrastructure needed for future technologies. Gilbert’s adoption is in accordance with Arizona House Bill 2365 which allows wireless providers to utilize municipal rights-of-way to install small wireless facilities on streetlights, traffic signals and other utility poles. Gilbert has fully implemented the community’s small cell technology program, including the fees as set by legislation, months earlier than the bill’s February deadline.
“Gilbert is the first community in Arizona and, very likely, in the country to fully implement a small cell technology program like this,” said Gilbert Mayor Jenn Daniels. “This is a critical step in preparing our community for future jobs and technologies, and will help us tremendously as Gilbert continues to grow.”
Gilbert worked with representatives from communities across Arizona, along with leaders in the wireless industry, including Verizon Wireless and AT&T, to develop a streamlined application process making it easier for providers while still allowing the Town oversight. These small wireless facilities will help providers add capacity to their networks in order to provide better cell phone coverage and wireless data services for businesses and residents.
Wireless providers interested in submitting an application should visit