Many students, even in their last year at university, are not clear about what the future holds for them. They hesitate in choosing a profession and do not know how to properly identify those or other characteristics of character and temperament that can be a great advantage in a particular profession. This is what we will focus on in our article.
What is temperament
Every person is born with a natural higher type of nervous activity, which determines its temperament. This is a kind of foundation, which forms the basis of the human personality.
Temperament – a set of individual properties of a person responsible for his or her emotional reactions, type of mental activity, and typical behavioral reactions.
It is responsible for the reaction of the person to different stimuli, for the process of socialization. For the first time, the concept of temperament appeared in ancient Rome. They tried to classify people according to the nature of their mental reactions. Initially, there were up to a dozen types of temperament in the classification, but as a result, scientists have agreed to stop at the four major.
According to psychologists, each person contains a combination of features that are inherent in all types of temperament, but some of them prevail. To determine your type of temperament you can be tested by a psychologist or take a test online.
So there are four types of temperament:
• Sanguine;
• Choleric;
• Phlegmatic;
• Melancholic.
The first three types belong to a strong type of nervous system, while the melancholic refers to a weak type of nervous system.
The Sanguine is characterized by high mental activity, openness, cheerfulness, availability. Because of the energy, sociability and the external rapidity of he can be taken at first for the choleric. But unlike the choleric, sanguine is always balanced inside.
He is able to well restrain his emotions, positive and friendly to others. Sanguine easily establish new contacts and get along with people. They are characterized by easy switching from one task to another and generally quick adaptation to new conditions.
The qualities that should pay attention sanguine when choosing a career:
• ability to establish contacts and make people feel at ease;
• organizational skills;
• quickly switching from one task to another;
• avoidance of routine and monotony;
• high capacity for work;
• good adaptability.
Due to their easygoing nature and stable performance, which does not depend on external circumstances, sanguine people are suitable for most activities, both mental and physical direction. They find it easier to work when the task is clear and does not require any initiative.
The main condition for good quality work – lack of boredom. Sanguine work should cause interest. Achieve this in professions where there is a change of activity during the day. Otherwise, he can perform his duties carelessly, without much effort.
Here is a list of professions that may be suitable for him: director, manager, event organizer, administrator, journalist, lawyer, psychologist, teacher, economist, engineer, technologist, human resources officer, salesperson, waiter
Exclude in advance the professions associated with routine duties, in order not to wonder who will write my essay at the university. Among them are the professions of accountant, manager, archivist, clerk, restorer, jeweler, etc.
Choleric is characterized by sudden impulsive actions, impetuous movements. He thinks quickly and speaks rapidly, confused and emotional. He has bright gestures and facial expressions. He is energetic, active, and likes to show initiative. He is not afraid of difficulties and likes to take risks.
Choleric has an extensive circle of acquaintances, and he can interrupt the person to express his opinion. He is straightforward, open-minded, and does not hide his emotions. He is able to make decisions quickly but later may reconsider them.
Choleric should take into account these temperament traits when choosing a future profession:
• leadership qualities;
• communication skills;
• energy;
• stress resistance;
• absence of fear of difficulties;
• rapid adaptation to changing conditions.
For productive work choleric needs to maintain a constant interest in it. The perfect job for the choleric is one where he takes on a particular task, independently seeking solutions, working in the mode that is most convenient for him, showing flexibility and ingenuity.
Choleric is easier to work with people than with technology or documents. He will be a good entrepreneur, sales manager, insurance agent, journalist, reporter. He can be a tour guide, director, actor, work in advertising and public relations. Choleric can work as a surgeon, investigator, pilot.
He does not fit boring professions with monotonous actions – librarian, accountant, editor, archivist, etc.
Phlegmatic is the most stable type of nervous system. On the one hand, there is a low level of mental activity, slowness, and on the other hand – the enviable poise, equanimity, stress resistance. The phlegmatic inherent slow pace of movement and speech, long entering the process and slow leaving it.
He is characterized by intelligence, calm, low emotionality. Phlegmatic restrained in terms of communication does not need a lot of contacts. His feelings and moods are characterized by consistency. He does not like life changes, hardly gets used to them. But formed habits and skills are stable.
Phlegmatic should choose professions that do not conflict with the following qualities of his temperament:
• a tendency to cold-blooded analysis;
• the ability to make reasonable decisions;
• slowness and pedantry;
• absence of haste and fussiness;
• constancy.
Phlegmatic will be an indispensable specialist in those areas of work, which requires perseverance and meticulousness, the performance of monotonous actions – anywhere there is a need to maintain the stability of the processes.
He is a suitable occupation economist, accountant, researcher, laboratory technician, engineer, doctor, statistician, logistician, system administrator, database operator, jeweler, agronomist.
Phlegmatic should not look for work associated with improvisation and frequent changes of tasks. Therefore, he should not work as a secretary, show host, air traffic controller, conductor, insurance agent in the service professions. He should also avoid jobs involving physical activity and emotional overload.
Melancholics have an unstable type of nervous system. They tend to constantly experience various events over a long period. Melancholics have high emotional sensitivity, vulnerability, high anxiety levels.
Melancholic demonstrate a special tactfulness and attention to the other person. They are very observant, show performance and diligence in the work. Thanks to a special kind of temperament, there are many scientists, artists, poets, writers. These talented people have found their vocation following the individual properties of the character. That’s why it’s so important to understand your type in the time and focus activities in the right direction.
Characteristics of the melancholic temperament that may impact the choice of occupation:
• attention to detail and small things;
• diligence and efficiency;
• frequent mood swings;
• low-stress resistance;
The most suitable activity for the melancholic is one that does not require a lot of communication, but it can be associated with creativity, observation, attention to detail. These are mostly occupations related to technology, signs, creative imagery.
It can work in the arts (composer, artist, writer), engage in scientific research, be a film critic or literary editor, psychoanalyst. Melancholic can be a good teacher, as subtly understands people. He would make a good accountant, auditor, programmer, architect, as well as agronomist, and veterinarian.
Professions that require constant communication with people are not suitable for them – journalists, dispatchers, advertising agents. Also, the work which creates stressful situations and is connected with constant changes is not recommended – surgeon, lifeguard, aviator, driver of public transport, or crane driver.