Picking a truck driving school is a thing you need to be careful with. It will affect not just your budget or schedule but also your DMV exam results which determine whether you get a CDL in the first place. Moreover, it is not a secret that employers often pay attention to where you are trained and make decisions based on that. We are Start CDL, here for you to make everything depending on us to help you graduate and become a sought-after specialist.

Truck driving school you can rely on

Our school works since 2015. Over 6,700 learners graduated from the school and got their CDLs. We never force you to pass exams before you acquire all the necessary operations and skills; thus, you do not need to worry about failing. Our instructors believe that practice makes perfect, so you can train until you are confident. However, our schedule is quite adjustable so that our students can learn, work on their current positions, and have good rest. Start CDL is located in Philadelphia, PA. If you are a guest here, you can use enjoy the affordable prices of a hostel close to the school’s main practice area. We offer learning programs for B and A CDLs, manual and auto vehicle gearboxes, extension, and renewal.

What to expect from your professional truck driving training?

The instructors will teach you everything about the truck: how it is built, what are its main parts, and how to perform basic maintenance and pre-trip inspections. You will also learn to control it which includes driving forward and backward; parking (alley dock, parallel, offset); and getting accustomed to driving the truck in the busy environment of a city. An EDLT (beginner’s course for a mandatory FMCSA-registered certification) is also taught as a course stage.

What do you require for truck driver training?

To become an applicant, please prepare this set of documents (do not forget to check that everything is up-to-date and valid!):

  • A documental proof of your legality.
  • A C-class driving license.
  • A DOT-issued health certificate (to confirm that you are physically fit).
  • A learner’s permission for driving a truck.

Once you get everything, we ask you to fill in a dedicated form on our website: https://startcdl.com/. If you have some questions or run into a complication, please do not hesitate to ask for support however you see fit: on our social network accounts, write us an e-mail, contact us via the live chat, or just call our phone number. Your communication specialists always are happy to be of any help. Still on the quest for a truck driving school in the USA? Start CDL guarantees you will get not just a license but also the most comfortable learning experience that is possible. Go for your education today for a promising and profitable career path tomorrow!