With school out for the summer, W.J. Maloney Plumbing, Heating & Cooling has begun work on the renovation and upgrading of science classrooms at eight schools in the Phoenix Union High School District and one in the Paradise Valley Unified School District.
Work on the renovation and creation of new science labs includes the replacement of all piping for water, gas and waste systems under an accelerated timeline that will ensure that the contractor’s work at each of the schools will be completed by the time school opens in the fall.
Chasse Building Team and McCarthy are the two general contractors working on the high schools projects, which include Carl Hayden, Cesar Chavez, Metro Tech and North high schools, as well as Alhambra, Bostrom, Trevor G. Browne and Maryvale high schools. Ry-Tan is the general contractor for the Paradise Valley School District project at Sunrise Middle School.
“Being able to meet stringent deadlines is something our team takes great pride in,” said Kathryn “Kitty” Maloney-Langmade, president of W.J. Maloney. “And being able to deliver the quality craftsmanship to these classrooms that will enhance the learning experience for high school and middle school students is rewarding, as well.”
She added that the company’s experience working on public-sector projects throughout Arizona played a key role in gaining the confidence of the general contractors selected for the schools projects.
Other current and recent public-sector projects for W.J. Maloney include the new Chicago Cubs Spring training facility in Mesa, the Veteran’s Administration Southeast Healthcare Clinic in Gilbert, PHX SkyTrain at Sky Harbor International Airport, a major solar thermal project at the University of Arizona and the Mariposa Land Port of Entry expansion near Nogales.