On-site security will benefit your company in various ways, from reducing theft and loitering to creating a safer environment for your employees and customers.
Also, the less crime your business experiences throughout the year, its annual revenue and reputation will be better.
If you are ready to upgrade on-site security, here are some helpful strategies for protecting your company physically.
Introduce Access Control
Access control devices will ensure that only authorized personnel can enter one or more sensitive rooms in the business, such as the company’s office, break room, server room, or warehouse.
For instance, your employees could gain entry using proximity cards, PIN entry, or biometrics (such as retina or fingerprint scanners).
The innovative technology will likely decrease the likelihood of trespassing, theft, or criminal damage.
Plus, it will provide your staff with peace of mind that they’re protected when handling cash, organizing inventory, or enjoying a well-deserved break.
Install an Anti-Loitering Alarm
Anti-social behavior is a huge issue for many businesses. Small or large gangs of teens gathering outside your premises will intimidate staff and customers and affect your company’s reputation and revenue.
If this is a problem for your company, a mosquito alarm is a smart solution. Once installed, the anti-loitering alarm will emit a repetitive, high-frequency tone that will irritate gangs and cause them to disperse.
100% safe for humans and animals, it is a simple and easy way to encourage gangs to move on without confrontation.
Secure Your Exterior
In addition to installing an anti-loitering alarm, you must introduce extra exterior security solutions to reduce crime and improve safety for your employees and customers.
For example, you could install exterior lighting, video surveillance, and security signage, which might deter criminals from vandalism, trespassing, or burglary.
The simple but effective methods could transform your company’s physical security. Also, your staff will feel more secure when arriving and leaving work or when opening or closing the premises each morning and night.
Create a Physical Security Policy
A physical security policy will reduce the likelihood of trespassing, theft, and vandalism. For instance, the document should outline:
- How and when to lock doors
- Visitor access procedures
- Password change policies
- Procedures for reporting stolen or lost badges or access cards
- Who oversees the company’s physical security
- Restricted areas
- Cash handling procedures
- How to report a crime, incident, or accident
Employees must thoroughly read your company’s physical security policy, and you should be available to answer any questions they have to safeguard your business.
Also, instruct your employees to sign a copy of the policy to confirm they have thoroughly read and understand it.
A lack of physical security can increase your company’s risk of crime, including theft, violence, anti-social behavior, harassment, vandalism, and arson.
The above strategies are an investment in your company’s operations, reputation, and on-site safety.
Therefore, you must not hesitate to introduce devices and tactics that will keep your staff and customers safe and secure, such as installing an anti-loitering alarm or creating a detailed physical security policy.