If you’ve been frantically looking up how to fix your water damaged phone on Google, then this new device may be your saving grace.
Typically insurance won’t cover the cost of a water damage phone, and if you’re a smartphone owner, shelling out $600 to replace your now soaking wet piece of hardware just isn’t viable, especially with how often you seem to drop the thing in water.
One tool, available at TCC Verizon Wireless retailers, hopes to completely dry out your phone after a plunge in the depths below. Redux hopes to remove any moisture that may be sloshing around in side of your phone.
Redux says its tool has been successful in recovering phones and other electronic devices from the toilet, pool, washing machine, mud, beer and more.
The successful recovery for a device, from a TCC retailer using Redux, costs $50 for a basic phone, $90 for a smartphone with an additional $10 diagnostic fee. There is even a Redux membership program for those who might drop their phones in the pool more often than not at $29.99, which includes two recoveries for devices.
“Everyone thinks their phone is fried when it gets wet, and that just simply isn’t the case,” said Reuben Zielinski, co-founder of Redux. “This new technology will remove 100 percent of the moisture from wet electronics, allowing many mobile device users to recover their hardware investment and precious data.”
It will take about an hour to get your phone dried off through Redux.