Climate scientists are searching for effective ways to reduce greenhouse gases that contribute largely to global warming and the loss of ecosystems.

If you operate a freight firm that delivers packages, this can present an issue. Your business will still need to drop off packages, but you will want to do so in an eco-friendly manner as possible.

So, how can you do this? What are the reasons for doing so? Some experts have the following reasons to measure C02 if you operate a delivery company.


Fuel costs money. When you run trucks, you will want to know how much fuel is being used. To do so accurately, you will need a C02 Emissions Calculator. This will help you better assess where the fuel your drivers are using is going and how much C02 is being emitted.

Such information can allow you to choose more energy-efficient fuels. It can also help you to reduce the amount of fuel used. Thus, saving your company money.


The UK government has specific C02 emissions guidelines.

In 2019, domestic transport emitted 122 MtC02e (or million tonnes of carbon dioxide). Transport is the largest sector for creating greenhouse gas. It was estimated to emit 27% of the UK’s emissions.

So, there have been some regulations put in place to offset this. By keeping track of your C02, you can send accurate reports. It will also allow better practices for your business to be put in place only if you exceed the government guidelines, of course.

More accurate reporting has led to a recorded drop of C02 from vans and delivery freights, which is good news all around!

Allows targets

What is the plan if your company exceeds the C02 emissions? This allows you to set a new target.

It can seem expensive to make the appropriate changes. Long-term, it will save you money in part due to not receiving fines from governmental agencies. Also, if you are more energy-efficient, you will use less fuel. Your company may even be recognized for meeting its targets, which is great for PR! It may also lead to more customers choosing your company, especially as concerns about global warming grow.


There has been a recognized shift in customer mentality. Many are willing to pay more to offset secondary costs. Such as carbon emissions.

When customers approach your company, they may want to know about your C02 emissions. If you don’t measure it, you can’t provide it! Your company may then begin to lose out to other companies, especially those who promise more eco-friendly practices. So, it is best to keep tabs on such information.

Electric hybrids

Is the cost of your company’s fuel consumption and C02 emissions high? Recording it can prompt change.

Specifically, you may want to make the switch to electric vehicles or hybrids. Being more eco-friendly and cheaper to run, this can save your company a lot of money. It can also help with your company’s image with the newer group of eco-friendly consumers. So be sure to record information on your company’s C02 emissions. And to make the appropriate changes.