You have been working from home for some time, and you are starting to feel unproductive and bored. It is typical that because your office is within the confines of your living space, you tend to take it for granted. It soon becomes drab and not conducive to productivity. It could also turn into a room that other members of the family treat as a recreation centre. This is about the time to do some renovations to inspire you again and get you motivated to work more efficiently in a newly remodelled home office.

Read on for some useful tips to get your creative juices flowing and make your home office your favorite place.

Get your furnishings and equipment together

You do not need much for your home office when it comes to furnishings. However, you want to ensure that your office furniture is appropriate for your space and that you are comfortable while working there. Your desk and chair have to be suitable for your specific needs. Make sure that your office equipment is in working order and necessary for your business. There is no point in adding other items that you do not need and occupy more space. Include the essential office supplies for work.

Personalize it

Since this is your private space, you can decorate it however you want to give it that personal touch. However, avoid unnecessary clutter and overcrowding. Hang your favourite artwork on your walls. Bring in some plants to make it more attractive and keep the air healthier. Paint your home office in colours that you feel will inspire you to work. It must be pleasant to your eyes and set the mood most conducive to being productive. If you haven’t picked out the right spot, or are deciding to move your office to another area of your home, make sure that it is the most private and with the least amount of traffic. That way, you avoid too many distractions when you are working. If you want to give it a homier look, you can add a few photos of family and bring in a rug with a design of your choice.

Choose your lighting carefully

The lights you choose for your home office must be carefully picked. You do not want to strain your eyes from either a dimly lit room or glaring lights. It is an excellent idea to have lights with dimmers, so you can adjust them according to what is comfortable for your eyes. Natural light is ideal. If you have a window that allows it, you are in a perfect spot. If that is not possible, however, go for lighting that closely resembles natural light.

After renovations are done, you will begin to feel energised again and ready to tackle whatever you need to do. Get some music in your office. Choose a genre that helps you to focus on work. Set your schedule and let your family know that you cannot be disturbed during your working hours. Start getting busy and productive in your new home office.