As summer holiday travel season approaches, Phoenix is dealing with excessive heat warnings. How does this affect your car and your SAFETY as you get ready to hit the roads for 4th of July?

Jay Jennings, General Manager of NARPRO (Network of Neighborhood Auto Repair Professionals), with approved shops all over the valley, is an expert in car care and shares 5 tips to keep the excessive heat from affecting your car:

Check tire pressure REGULARLY. This is especially important in the Arizona heat. Correct levels can minimize unnecessary wear & tear on the tires not to mention prevent a full blow-out while you are driving. Every car has recommended pressure levels that should be adhered to and checked regularly. They also may need to be adjusted based on your vehicle’s load.

Did you know “All Weather” batteries really aren’t that great for Arizona cars? They were made for cars in cold climates. It’s better to get an average priced battery than spending major bucks on an “All-weather” battery in Phoenix. The heat will suck the life out of your battery, so it’s very important to have it checked before it gets too hot. Most reputable repair shops will “Load Test” your battery to determine if it is running low so you don’t get stranded in the heat. Plan on an hour at the shop for a professional mechanic to perform this test.

Monitor all fluid levels – not just the oil. These include transmission, radiator, power steering, windshield and brake fluids. These fluids should be checked by a PRO who will not only look at the levels but will test the quality of the fluid. This is an inexpensive maintenance that should be done on a regular basis.

Have a qualified technician check all hoses and belts for cracks, leaks and loose connections. Hoses should be firm, not soft or brittle and in Arizona they need to be replaced on the average every four years or 60,000 miles. Ask for “Type EC” on the hose, labeled for Electromechanical Degradation resistance. Belts need to be replaced every 50,000 miles as the composite belts don’t show signs of wear until the failure occurs.

If your air conditioner is not running ice cold right now – you should take it in to be assessed. Have your refrigerant assessed, as well as your condenser and belts. Having no air conditioned is not an option in the Phoenix summer heat.

Let those excessive heat warnings be a reminder to take care of your car so you will be safe this summer.

For more information on finding a reputable mechanic, visit NARPRO helps consumers find reliable and trustworthy Phoenix auto repair and body shops. Shops listed on this site have passed a stringent 26-point test of quality, integrity and customer service.