From the time you start your first job, you will be expected to perform tasks and carry out responsibilities. Some of them are routine and simple, especially at the entry level. However, as you continue working, things become more complicated and you’ll be required to do a number of things differently. This is why most people now work in an environment where they have access to a learning management system (LMS).

A pharma learning management system, Samelane, is a software tool that allows pharmacists to keep track of different activities and processes related to their building hands-on competencies. The end goal of having an LMS is for pharmacists to be able to record information quickly and easily so that they can spend less time looking for it later on or repeating tasks again and again. Here are some of the benefits that using an LMS can provide for any pharmacist who does so: 

Access to Professional Learning Content Anytime, Anywhere

The most obvious benefit of having an LMS is being able to access professional learning content whenever you have a smartphone, tablet, or PC. This content can cover digital courses, videos, and programs that help pharmacists better understand and manage their profession. These can include learning modules that are related to regulatory requirements, medication safety, and managing patient care. Not only will you be able to easily understand the information, but you will have the option to refer back to it whenever you need to. This is especially important if you are trying to stay up-to-date with changes in regulations and industry practices. Another way that LMSs can help pharmacists stay up-to-date with professional practices is by allowing them to create custom curriculums for their team members. This can be done through the use of dashboards that are designed to help pharmacists manage their workflow and create guidelines for their team members’ work.

Streamlined and Automated Paperwork Process

When it comes to paper-based processes, pharmacists are often one of the first departments to be put on notice that they need to start doing things differently. This is because they frequently have to deal with a lag time that is associated with paperwork. In addition, it’s not uncommon for pharmacists to receive stacks of paper from other departments that are filled with a large amount of information. This information can include prescriptions, medical records, financial records, and much more. An LMS can help pharmacists to streamline this process through the use of automation.

Improved Communication and Collaboration

Pharmacists are often in charge of managing prescriptions for other divisions within a healthcare organization, as well as for patients who come to the pharmacy. When it comes to communication and collaboration, LMSs can help pharmacists to be more efficient at this job.

Reduced Tasks and Costs Through Automation

No matter what the challenge, there will always be times when it’s worth asking people to perform tasks that are repetitive. This can include tasks related to tracking inventory, managing patients’ files, or reviewing prescriptions. Pharmacists should always keep in mind that there are benefits associated with automating these tasks. If you start with one task, such as managing inventory, you might be surprised to find that you’ve eliminated the need to do them again.

Increased Staff Efficiency Through Automation

Pharmacists are always looking for ways to increase the efficiency of their team members. They can do this by using an LMC to automate workflows and reduce the amount of time it takes to complete tasks. For example, a pharma learning management system can be used to schedule tasks and assign dependencies between different activities. This will allow pharmacists to reduce the amount of hands-on work that they do that is related to the administrative side of the business. 

Coaching and On-the-Job Training for Employees

Training and development are always important no matter what kind of work environment you work in. Pharmacists should always be looking for ways to improve their skills and keep up with the latest information in their field. A dedicated LMS can provide an effective solution to this problem, as it allows pharmacists to create customized training programs that are specific to their needs and team members’ needs.


In this day and age of constant change, it’s incredibly important to stay up-to-date with regulations and practices related to your profession. For this to happen, you’ll need to have a system that helps you keep track of what you need to do. A pharma learning management system can provide this type of assistance by helping you to organize information, retrain, maintain compliance with the latest regulations, and discover new ways of performing daily tasks. On top of that, an LMS can also help you to improve your workflow and make better use of your time.