“Five Generations in Today’s Workforce” will be discussed during the luncheon keynote at the Arizona Association for Economic Development’s (AAED) 2016 Workforce Symposium, “Success by Design: What’s Working in Workforce.”
It will be held Tuesday, April 5 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at 2901 N. Seventh St. in Phoenix.
During the luncheon presentation beginning at noon, Robin Ozz, Learning College co-chair, director of developmental education, and English faculty at Phoenix College, will share her insight into the five generations in today’s workforce, the events that shaped their cultures and values, the work style and communication preferences for each and the strategies for more effective work relationships.
Morning sessions include: where to find workforce data for free and then how to use it for success. Case studies of innovative economic development workforce programs will also be shared. Presenters will be Paul Shannon, assistant director and labor market information director for the State Office of Employment and Population Statistics, and Trevor Stokes, manager of workforce programs at the Arizona Commerce Authority.
Additionally, Heath Anderson, business coordinator for Maricopa County Workforce Development, will moderate a panel discussion, “Finding and Retaining Talent,” featuring Ed Tunis, economic development director, city of Scottsdale; Mike Hoover, economic development supervisor, city of Surprise; and Jacqueline Smith, J.D., assistant vice president of university initiatives, Arizona State University.
The cost of the symposium is $60 for AAED members, $70 for non-members before March 31; and $85 for late registrants. To register, visit www.aaed.com/event/aaedapril5th.