Would you like to save money on your electricity bill this summer? The coronavirus pandemic has compelled many households in the Grand Canyon State to remain housebound. Yet Arizona residents can take five helpful steps to prevent home utility bills from soaring.

Use Solar Powered Home Products

One simple way to conserve energy bills in Arizona lies right outside the front door. This region receives copious sunshine every year. Today, solar power supplies a wonderful way to lower household electricity bills.

Experts recommend utilizing solar power in the Tucson Area especially for several reasons. First, the sun provides a wonderful sustainable source of energy.

Second, sunshine supplies a genuinely renewable energy source. Solar powered household products don’t require expensive electricity to operate, in most cases.

Third, few resources prove as plentiful as solar energy. In Arizona, solar home products hold the potential to save consumers significant sums.

Finally, the United States Department of Energy suggests the use of solar power holds the potential to help homeowners enjoy considerable cost savings. This environmentally safe form of power might help you cut your electricity bills this year.

In fact, the federal government outlines seven helpful steps for “going solar.” You might begin modestly by exploring solar outdoor lighting as a money-saving measure this summer.

As the thermostat rises outdoors during hot August weather, you’ll gain the satisfaction of knowing the sunshine will help power your home’s exterior lights at night. This improvement represents a “win-win” for both your wallet and the environment!

Obtain Routine AC Maintenance Services

Another astute strategy for reducing home electricity bills in Arizona this year proves simple to implement. In fact, you might already have taken this step.

Savvy property owners in this region appreciate the importance of maintaining home cooling systems in smooth operating condition. Temperatures in Tucson sometimes shoot above 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the height of summer. A well-maintained air conditioning system provides welcome relief from sweltering outdoor conditions.

Yet did you know, simply asking a licensed HVAC technicians to inspect and clean your home’s AC equipment holds value? You’ll correct sluggish performance, and save money over the long term.

Poorly operating air conditioning systems often fail to produce desired temperature levels rapidly. They may work overtime, struggling to maintain a specified setting.

By asking a technician to perform basic maintenance (including an AC filter replacement), you’ll enjoy seamless interior cooling. You’ll also appreciate the cost savings resulting from a well-functioning air conditioner!

Upgrade to Appliances With Excellent Energy-Efficiency Ratings

In this connection, why not explore upgrading your home appliances to more energy-efficient models this year? Across the Grand Canyon State, residents often discover impressive savings on their home electricity bills by selecting new, state-of-the-art appliances.

Consider performing careful research before replacing a stove, a hot water heater, a washing machine, or a dishwasher. Some brands offer better energy savings than others.

The United States government offers assistance with this project. It uses a sophisticated “Energy Star” system as the request of manufacturers of energy-efficient models. Learn more about this helpful classification process here.

By replacing older, energy-inefficient appliances with new highly rated ones, over the long term you’ll tend to conserve money. The savings vary, based upon the brand’s anticipated useful lifespan and the price.

Use a “Smart” Thermostat to Conserve Energy

A growing segment of Tucson real estate owners have discovered another intelligent way to lower high residential utility bills. Have you considered purchasing a new programmable thermostat for your home heating and cooling system?

The advantages of using computerized technology appear significant indeed in terms of electricity bill savings. This simple innovation helps many households in Arizona conserve electricity.

For example, a programmable thermostat allows you to establish a predetermined maximum (or minimum temperatures). You enjoy the power to reduce home cooling during hours when you don’t visit certain areas of your residence.

Maintain comfortably cool temperatures in the bedroom at night, and in the kitchen and living room during the day. Completely shut off air conditioning during periods of time when your household vacates the premises on vacation.

Imagine the wonderful electricity bill savings you’ll enjoy! Installing a smart thermostat represents an in-demand innovation today.

Employ Blinds, Drapes, And Window Tinting Intelligently

Finally, consider the fact the entrance of sunshine into your residence holds the potential to warm the premises several degrees. Simply using window coverings creatively may assist you in maintaining your home in a cooler condition.

Popular tools to accomplish this goal include the use of high quality UV light resistant glass tinting films. Blinds and drapes installed in choice locations also help block the penetration of sunlight.

You may find it helpful to seek to shade rooms within your home at different hours during the day. Consider blocking glaring sunlight on the east during the morning hours. Draw shades and blinds on the west side of your residence during the afternoon and early evening.

Whether you select window tinting films, blinds, drapes, or all three types of window coverings, you’ll enjoy many stylish options. Today, these decorative items enhance the beauty and comfort of homes in Arizona!

Save Money on Arizona Electricity Bills This Year

Consider taking full advantage of Arizona’s plentiful natural resource: sunshine. Use solar power to help reduce home electrical bills. You won’t regret saving money by implementing these intelligent improvements!