Applied Art Productions, an international film company based in Chandler, announced the completion of its feature film about COVID-19, titled “Anti-Coronavirus Movie.” The film, which runs 70 minutes in length, depicts the story of Bruce, a man who returns from an anniversary trip to Italy carrying the virus and his journey through dealing with the consequences while trying to keep his family safe.
“Because this pandemic is causing a lot of suffering across the world, I felt it was important to bring people an uplifting story of hope and love,” said Mitesh Patel, the film’s story writer, producer and director. “Our incredible cast and crew did an amazing job of bringing that message to life in this movie.”
The story follows Bruce and Laura Gunther as they return from their anniversary trip to Italy. After landing stateside, Bruce realizes he is patient zero in bringing coronavirus to the ones he cares about most – his own family. Suffering from the effects of his actions, Bruce must come to terms with this devastation before it consumes him and his family.
Keith Lopez leads the cast as Bruce Gunther, his wife Laura Gunther played by Tina Marie Nigro. Their family members, daughter Naomi and son-in-law James are played by Courtney Asher and John Carr. Grand-daughters Allie and Sarah are played by Harper Wasnesky and Bali Bare. The production members included cinematographer Bernie Tarin, composer Simone Cilio and editor Roger Cooper.
Patel and Randal Lee Smith, the movie’s screenwriter, drafted the script in one week, with extensive research and consultation from a local doctor. While the actors were learning their lines, often just hours before a shoot, editors were working on footage filmed the previous day.
The team, consisting of 11 cast and crew members, completed the movie in just seven days while following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s sanitation and prevention guidelines. The group acquired all proper filming permits, employed the use of gloves during production and increased cleaning of set locations and props. Days after filming wrapped, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey announced a stay-at-home order for all citizens in nonessential business fields.
“I want this to be more than a movie,” said Patel. “I want this to be a driving force that encourages people to stay safe, healthy and donate what they can to relief funds that will hopefully bring us to the other side of this tragic pandemic.”
The film is set to be released in April. For more information about the movie, visit or like the film on Facebook.