Make a commitment to finding ethically sourced engagement rings. Here are four tips to help you know if your fine jewelry is ethically sourced.

Are you looking to buy an engagement ring for that special someone in your life?

If so, you’re probably spending a lot of time thinking about the cut, style, and color of the ring.

One other very important thing you want to keep in mind is whether or not the ring was ethically sourced. By choosing ethically sourced engagement rings, you’re doing your part to protect the environment as well as the workers who source the stones to make the jewelry.

But, how do you know if the ring you’re buying is ethically sourced?

Check out this guide to discover the top tips for buying ethically sourced engagement rings.

1. Do Some Background Work 

As a conscious buyer, remember to do your research diligently before selecting an engagement ring.

You can often find companies that ethically source their jewelry by performing a quick Google search. For companies that claim they offer ethically sourced jewelry, you can usually find information on their website detailing their process.

If you don’t find enough details on a company’s website, you can dig deeper offline. Talk to experts in the field, or, better yet, head straight over to the company’s physical location to ask them questions in person.

2. Understand the Origins of the Jewelry 

Whether you’re shopping for an engagement ring, black tungsten rings or sterling silver necklaces, the only way to truly find out if a piece was ethically sourced is to figure out where it came from.

Most jewelers should be able to tell you where their pieces came from. If they can’t, this is a sign that you should stay away.

In particular, if you’re shopping for a diamond engagement ring, there are some countries of origin you’ll want to avoid due to a history of ethical violations. Infamous diamond conflict zones that you should avoid include Angola, Zimbabwe, Liberia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Countries that are known for mining ethically sourced diamonds include Botswana, Sierra Leone, Namibia, and Canada.

3. Ask for a Certificate 

Any jeweler can claim that their pieces are ethically sourced without having any proof to back it up.

The best way to get proof is to ask for a certificate. A certificate can tell you about the origin of the jewelry as well as the processes that took place in order to ensure the quality of the piece.

We strongly suggest looking for certificates from trusted institutions such as the Gemological Institute of America or the AGS.

4. Ask the Right Questions 

When trying to figure out whether or not a piece of jewelry is ethically sourced, don’t be afraid to ask some hard-hitting questions. Questions you may want to ask include:

  • Where was the jewelry mined?
  • Can you track the jewelry back to its origins?
  • What policies on jewelry sourcing do you have in place?

Make sure to look out for vague responses to these questions. A jeweler who ethically sources their items will be able to give you exact details.

Ethically Sourced Engagement Rings: Are You Ready to Buy? 

Buying an engagement ring for your partner Now that you know what to look for in ethically sourced engagement rings, it’s time to start shopping.

Be sure to check back in with our website for more engagement ring shopping tips and tricks.