As the sun’s rays intensify and temperatures rise, it becomes paramount to safeguard our furry companions from the scorching heat. Just as we take measures to stay hydrated and cool during the summer months, our pets also require special attention to ensure their well-being. Hydration, in particular, plays a crucial role in keeping our beloved animals healthy and happy. This article sheds light on the importance of pet hydration and shares valuable insights on keeping your furry friend cool during the sweltering summer season.

LEARN MORE: Tips to travel with your pet this summer 

The Recommended Amount of Water:

Proper hydration is vital for your pet’s overall health, especially when the mercury soars. On average, pets should drink about one ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. This translates to approximately:

Dr. Kelly Patriquin (right), DVM, and Doug Patriquin, CEO, are the owners of Dr. Kelly’s Surgical Unit. (Provided photo)
  • 8 ounces (1 cup) for a 8-pound cat
  • 17-25 ounces (2-3 cups) for a 25-pound dog

These are just the basic minimum needs and significantly more clean water should be available for your pet both inside and outside depending on your pet’s lifestyle. Fresh clean water should be refilled daily.

Symptoms of Pet Dehydration:

Recognizing the signs of dehydration in pets is essential for early intervention. Keep an eye out for these symptoms:

  • Dry, tacky gums and mouth
  • Lethargy and increased panting
  • Reduced skin elasticity (when you gently pull up the skin, it doesn’t bounce back)
  • Dark yellow urine or lack of urination

Ways to Avoid Dehydration in Pets:

  • Access to Fresh Water: Ensure that a bowl of clean, cool water is readily available at all times. Change the water frequently to keep it fresh.
  • Monitor Activity: Limit strenuous outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day. Engage in play and exercise during the cooler morning and evening hours.
  • Hydrating Treats: Incorporate water-rich fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and cucumber, into your pet’s diet. These can serve as healthy and refreshing treats.
  • Use Cooling Aids: Invest in cooling mats, vests, and bandanas specially designed to help regulate your pet’s body temperature.
  • Shaded Retreats: Create shaded spots in your backyard or on walks. Shade provides a cool respite from the sun’s rays.
  • Frozen Delights: Freeze water or low-sodium broth in ice cube trays for a cool and hydrating treat. Some pets also enjoy ice cubes as a fun way to stay refreshed.

Busting Heat-Related Myths:

  • Pets Don’t Need Water in Cold Weather: False. Pet hydration is crucial year-round. Even in cooler temperatures, pets can become dehydrated.
  • Pets Don’t Sweat: While pets do sweat through their paw pads, panting is their primary way of cooling down. Never underestimate the importance of hydration.
  • Shaving Pets Cools Them Down: Contrary to popular belief, a pet’s coat provides insulation from the heat outside and protects against sunburn. Consult a veterinarian before considering any drastic grooming changes.
  • A Car is a Safe Spot: Leaving a pet in a parked car, even with the windows cracked, can lead to deadly temperatures in a matter of minutes. Never leave your pet unattended in a vehicle.

As summer’s intensity takes hold, our pets rely on us for pet hydration and to be their guardians in the face of rising temperatures. Just as we prioritize our own well-being, let’s remember that our four-legged friends need proper hydration and cooling strategies to thrive during this season. By following the recommended guidelines and dispelling common myths, we can ensure that our pets enjoy a safe, comfortable, and joyful summer by our sides.

Authors: Dr. Kelly Patriquin, DVM,  and Doug Patriquin, CEO, are the owners of  Dr. Kelly’s Surgical Unit, a specialized veterinary practice, offering affordable and convenient surgical care for pets at 6 locations in the Phoenix and Tucson Metro areas. Services include a variety of low-cost surgical care including spay/neuter, dental cleaning and extractions, mass removals and more. For more information, visit