With summer’s searing wrath upon us, it’s time to prepare and prioritize your weekend getaway wish list. And whether you’re planning a romantic rendezvous, a trip with the girls or a family expedition, packing wisely is always the challenge.
Packing 101: Here are some tips to help you become a more efficient packer:
Good things come in small packages
Absolute truth: no matter how big the suitcase, you’ll fill it! Save yourself the temptation and aggravation by settling on a smaller bag. With less space, you’ll find yourself putting more thought into what you’re packing, and how you’re packing (i.e., if bringing heels, remember to place them in the middle of the bag, heels facing in).
Rolling articles up tends to keep them from getting too wrinkled during the trek.
Think, and then pack
Plan ahead. Once you’ve decided on your itinerary, pack accordingly. If you’re on the fence, be a minimalist — to do otherwise spells big trouble, and big suitcases. Go with your gut; your initial instinct bears out more often than not.
Simplicity and versatility are key
It’s not a costume party. Think comfortable chic. Color coordination is key, so stick to two to three different colors; this way you have the option of mixing and matching your items without reconciling palettes or patterns. (Neutrals are always a safe bet; however, don’t be afraid to spice things up with some trendy pastel pieces for layering.).
Try before you buy
Run a beta test. With limited space, you want to be sure that the items you pack are the items you’re going to be happy with once you arrive. Pairing your outfits from head to shoes before departing will save you from a mini fashion crisis. It’s better to bring more tops than bottoms: not only are they smaller and easier to pack, but unlike bottoms, you can’t be a repeat offender.
Let these guidelines serve as your mantra as you blissfully plan that weekend away. The moral of the story is: simple is better, and everything is good in moderation. Keep that in mind, and you’ll experience packing rapture (or at least avoid that pre-departure anxiety attack).